Who here hates there parents i do

I hate my dad to death. I’d like to smash the ■■■■ out of him.

I love my mum though.

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I love my parents. They sacrifice a lot for me. My mum gave birth to me. All that labour and stuff.

They are not perfect but no one is. They try their best.


You stated you hate them because they are abusive and arrogant. These 2 traits must also lie within yourself for you to HATE them. You must also be a tad abusive and arrogant, or these traits in others wouldn’t disturb you.

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no not really 1515

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Im sorry you have a rough home life I hope things get better for you soon

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Thanks i hope everything will turn out all right, pray to god.

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I love my parents. They give me care and support. I am sorry you don’t get along with yours.


They change over the years they werent always this bad.

Growing up my parents were extremely abusive. I’m only now starting to come to terms with how bad it was.

You don’t owe your parents your love.

I hope you can get to a more healthy place

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I want my own place, just need to start the process and cant work now but hopefully work when im ready just part-time. thanks.

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Whilst I agree with this to a certain extent, I also highly disagree because I’m disturbed by and hate people that do evil things like kill others, that doesn’t mean that murdering is a part of me…

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No i dont want to kill them, im not a violent person, i just want to get away from them. thats all.


I know that, I was responding to @anon39239665 comment about things you dislike being a part of you, I don’t believe you’re abusive or anything like that just because you don’t like it in your parents

My parents were/aren’t perfect, but I appreciate them being a part of my life. Maybe you can forgive them one day and embrace them for who they are with all their flaws.

That’s completely untrue dude. Hating an abusive person in your life doesn’t make you an abusive person. Like that’s messed up to say dude

Why do you hate my parents?

Its called psychological projection.

I realize now that my parents have limitations, but they love me and they tried for me. So all the years of confusion and hating my parents for trying to control my brain were an illusion that my mind entertained.

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Because they suck ass, there boring, negative. argumental. Say im always doing things wrong im never right. waste of space. Idk they think im burden to them, i guess only solution to make them happy is to move out, okay i make there wish come true.

Yes you should move out.You are exploiting them!

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