Who here hates there parents i do

Yea, i want too but i cant do it now. i have to do some stuff, its not easy process. its take time and money.

So then appreciate every day they allow you to live there. Your probably paying nothing. I would of thrown you out of the house for your little bankcard scheme!

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You should be grateful that you have a roof over your head right now @oe1489.

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I pay rent everymonth. Im not living for free. think twice man nothing is for free.

So hereā€¦ I hate my abuser because she hurt me and gaslit me as well as did pedophilic things to me. Does this mean that I am a gaslighting pedophile? The answer is absolutely not. You can hate people without being like them.

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lol calm down everyone

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Its over 900000000 lol dbz

Thatā€™s enough fighting.