Who here hates there parents i do

I wish alot bad things happen to them.

Hate is a strong word.

Talk to your doctor before this escalates and you consider harming your parents. You sound a bit off the rails.


no i let god judge them, they will get what they deserve karma is a b@itch. I dont have to do any work at all, they will they will be judge.

Worst part there not dreamers there bunch of loser including my brother i dont like him too, i want to be winner in life. Thats how its suppose to be. You need to have goals.

only family member that cared about was my grandma, i like her she was cool, she gone now. she love me alot i miss her alot yea i like her alot she was so cool.

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i relate, my parents were heavily physically abusive and neglectful my entire life. i hate them and im proud to say that. ive been out of their house for 2 years and i still hate them. i hated them as a kid, as a teen, as an adult. some parents are genuinely terrible and dont deserve your love or attention! be safe, be well, and stay rational, i know you can and will! c:


Didn’t your mother let you use her debit card? Is that why they’re mad?


finally someone understands me. Your in same boat as me. F@ck parent who dont love you and alway self centered, and only care for themselves. I agree they dont deserve my love, respect or attention. I pretend they dont exist in the house. They nobody to me anymore. There not family anymore there strangers. They can go hell.

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thats the spirit! just be careful, as sometimes portraying this mindset can increase abuse.


I don’t always like my family but I try to as I can’t live on my own or manage money.


Yea i just talk to my counselor she going to help me fill out some paperwork for own apartment, finally i can get out of this hell hole. Abusive place. I dont need this, i need be healthy, and level minded. Screw hate and negativity. Love and support all the way.


congrats on the progress!

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But this doesnt guarantee an apartment yet, it just starts the process, but at least its started now.

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When I was young I hated my dad, but after I grew up I saw more of the good in him. He did the best he could.


thats good for you, my parents change i dont see any good in them anymore, just want to move out.

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My dad used to be annoying and I don’t want to say that but he embarrassed me terribly , i miss that in a weird sort of way

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Okay, thats you man.

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I have Section 8 Housing. I went to an advocate for the disabled to help me find an open waiting list. Eventually I got on several waiting lists for Section 8.

When I came to the top of the list on one of the waiting lists, I jumped on it The Housing Authority where I have my voucher is an hours drive from here.

I did a long time ago.

In truth, they were just dealing with a shitty situation that I found myself in, and they did not know how to deal with it at all.

You must realise that what you go through your family does as well.

The most healthy thing I did was move out, as now I have my freedom, and I no longer have confrontations like I did in the past with my parents.

" if you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn’t part of ourselves doesn’t disturb us"


what do you mean, i dont like my parents its simple.