My parents suck, they always argue, they think there always right. My dad is alcholic, verbally abusive, my mom loves to argue with she thinks she always right, my views are always wrong, they dont understand me. there not a good support system i wish i had better parent, f@ck them i hope they all die in hell.
That’s a little harsh☹️
i really love my parents. They always tried to be there for me and try to help me. I’m lucky that i have my parents, without them i would already be dead i think.
yea i know but thats what i feel. i wish they where gone from life. I dont deal with there bs anymore. the crap i deal with be schizophrenic is hard enough. I try be positive here in forums guys but my family life sucks, sorry i have to tell you this but i really wish i had a better life than this im all alone but i least i have you guys and a counselor keep feeling good about me.
Same here. To me my parents are God sent.
But I do understand @oe1489 's situation. It’s unfortunate really. I don’t know what else to say really.
sorry to hear you don’t have a good family =(
I hope you got some other good people in your life then!
It is what is it is, i cant change them, i have to accept the reality they argue and hate eachother, we dont like eachother, we dont get along. we just need to go our seperate ways one day. then well be happier.
If you don’t like living with your parents,
You should put some effort into moving out.
It’s their house, so you have to live with their ■■■■■■■■.
Can you live on your own independently? That should reduce the tension between you and your parents.
Thats my plan but i need to apply for section 8 in my county im going to ask my counselor how to do that, im going be so happy when i move out and have my own apartment no negative talk and peace and quiet for once. my moms love to argue i think she gets a little thrill out it, i think its an addiction she has. i dont like it all.
You probably don’t actually hate them. Maybe what you need is your own place. I didn’t get along with my mom until we were no longer living with each other
I am sorry @oe1489
I hope one day you and your parents will get along and you’ll be able to forgive them…
My dad used to be an alcoholic and said horrible things growing up as well. I am sorry you’re currently stuck in this situation.
I’m glad you have a counselor.
It sucks ass, but im good, i workout to keep my insanity at state. vape too make feel good. I just wish my parent just dont argue with me all the time.
Did you know my mom bit me one time, i had to call the police, she said it was self defense what b@llshit. f@cking B!itch.
They probably just want what’s best for you.
Try not to be so harsh on them.
My family is not perfect either but in their own way they try to be helpful.
Nah my parent suck @ss i feel no love from them, i wish they can just go away and leave me alone then ill be happy. when there around i feel there stupid hatred energy it bothers me.
Sensitivity to family like that can be a warning sign of relapse. Just saying.
its not relapse, i just have shitty parents. I will be getting my own place soon when i apply for section 8, then sayonara motherf@ckas. Goodbye.
Honestly you’ve been quite paranoid lately @oe1489.
Maybe you should give your psychiatrist a call.
It can’t hurt if you call.
Remember you were placed on a brand new med recently.
yes im paranoid schizophrenic, sorry but my parents is not related to my illness. They didnt cause it. I dont know if play a part, but this is true they dont like i dont like them its that simple we dont get along anymore. I wish alot bad things happen to them.