Closed off and no friends

No friends and all I do is take care of my step daughter. I love my gif and step daughter, but sometimes it’s hard being the best for both of them. My mental state is getting worse and I close myself in so I don’t affect anyone with my problems. So I feel very alone and the only ones I can talk to besides my therapist is the things in my head


:frowning:️ you should always make time for yourself. Are there any support groups in your area? It really sounds like you could use a change of pace and you should never have to hide​:frowning:️. I know the feeling with talking in your head. Seems like they are the only ones who understand sometimes. I hope things get better for you.

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My therapist was talking about a group called NAMI here that I want to look into. Yes it’s like they’re the only ones that get me

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is there daytreatment or a clubhouse nearby? :frowning:

Where I live all the mental health centers or groups lost funding and all closed down a couple months ago sadly

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O wow that’s terrible…hoping the other group works out for you. Yeah definitely…sometimes mine are the only ones who get me too. Sometimes is alot🤗


Thank you! Same here I talk to them a lot so I feel less lonely


Well at least you have your own family (thing which only I could dream about). I also dont have any friends

Very true and I’m sorry to hear that

Sometimes I beat myself up about having no friends and it gets me down
I can count two friends but they live in different cities

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I have no friends

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I’m sorry to say that I have no friends now either. My very “best” friend cut off contact with me, (again). And my other best friend has Alzheimers and she forgot all about me. Besides, she has a guardian and can’t drive and I don’t drive either so we can’t visit each other. And she doesn’t like talking on the phone. She’s also allergic to computers (she’s very old), so we can’t text.

I wish I had a GF, but yes friends can feel really good.

My dog helps me big time

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