Well, lately, i push myself to be more ‘‘alive’’. I was bad on this before, maybe because of the negatives… But now i throw energy in the day, in the goal to be as normal as possible, but i end up overexcited and mostly - somatizing…
Who else was having many physical symptoms too because of your sz? I guess i need to calm down, not to pursue the energy so much, but i just got fed up by my ‘‘dead’’ state for decades . Is it a big problem to have physical symptoms too? I should stop worry on that?
I wonder if its common in sz to feel badly physicaly too?..
I guess the zyprexa should work on this too one day?
I’ve tried writing and I got a little too excited, and it worried me because it felt like it might be something akin to psychotic energy. It was just a hunch. I don’t know if I would’ve gotten psychotic off of being euphoric…but it was safer to just stop and try again later.
I feel fatigue and lack of motivation but I’m struggling to get through those problems. I’ve barely gotten started and I’m making slow progress, but in terms of timescale this has taken most of a year. I’ve got medical team on point soon to see if theres any physical problems that might be causes of fatigue but other then that I’m trying to get out to the gym.
Idk… Maybe i observe myself too much… Maybe it was harder than i admit it, to have been in isolation and passivity for 20 years…I still wonder how exactly to take my physical symptoms due to the sz… To worry or exactly the opposite? I had them since forever in fact… Should i accept now, that ill have my hard problems and just continue taking my ap? My pdoc was saying, that in my case, it make take me years to recover, it can take years for my ap to work lol… I feel shaky and weak, but why i should always worry about that? Maybe i was feeling a bit alone in this idk…
Taking your ap for you, might seem like a waste of time, but it might settle you into an equilibrium where you know what you’re in for day to day. I think because I take them religiously that I’m biased but if you’re taking them sometimes and not all the time you’re giving yourself the worst impression of them you can get. The principle benefits build up over time. Its like brushing your teeth, you don’t know there’s a problem skipping until you feel pain, and by then its too late. Tooth is gone.
I am taking my meds religiously yeap… We tried many in the past and 4 years ago, my pdoc said to stop switching them, so i take my zyprexa every day since 4 years… Maybe i was a hard case, cause i was ill since kid, while i took meds later in my life… I was diagnosed with conversion disorder and i wonder if the zyprexa will help on this… I still believe a bit, that i have these physical symptoms because of my psychosis… But i still feel crazy, alone, boring, but i was alone for 20 years before… Now that i am trying to change, i worry about the fact that i still feel ill and i get these physical symptoms . Maybe in my case, i really will need years to get better? And i should stop worrying about the times where i feel weak and just bad?
Yeah, the docs said to not stop my meds in any case now lol… I dont stop them nope…
Can you describe what your physical symptoms are? Are you talking about positive symptoms that feel real or are you talking about things like dystonia, and akathesia?
I am diagnosed with conversion disorder as well… I can feel weakness in my extremities till shakiness… I am scared i wont be able to walk or stand on my feet…I overworry i think too… I can feel nausea too sometimes, or feeling cold (freezing) and some things like that… I have to say here, that i was over ambitious before and before i wanted to be real ‘‘normal’’ etc… I dont know if my physical symptoms are due to the paranoia… I am a bit akathisic i find, but its gets to normal once i find myself alone in my house…
Yea I’ve done that before.
But if I think about it from a person who has never really experienced clear symptoms of a mental illness perspective,
Sometimes u feel alive and sometimes u feel drained. I don’t think ppl panic if they don’t have a diagnosis to associate that with. They may not associate feeling alive with the idea of recovery.
In regards to feeling negative, everyone feels like that and more often than u would think. We forget that we’re all human and we get absorbed in thinking that we’re abnormal because of our emotions. If ur feeling guilty of that it only intensifies the draining of ur energy.
I ignore those thoughts and focus on my hobbies or other interests so I can actually enjoy them.
Ok,i see @anon30470407… The docs were saying, that i observe myself way too much. Maybe i am just anxious and was alone, without doing nothing for long…
But i am taking the zyprexa since 4 years and i never had life even being on it… Maybe i am still just seeing people who got better on meds fastly than me and i am here just wondering while my meds didnt have me a life… I think its this…
Well, for my physical symptoms, i should stop worrying that its happening now?
Yea I would stop worrying.
Regardless of if ur on meds or not, everyone can not be happy all the time.
I wouldn’t be hard on myself if I were u.
Ok, thanks… Maybe i still dont understand why the meds didnt help me more. Its one doc who was wondering it too… I try to accept, that my illness is different from those for others… Me, i started to isolate since the age of 16, but nobodys fault i guess…
I just picked my skin again in the bathroom from the blackheads… i was doing this for 15 years, nice…
sorry, maybe i really sound as a wackoo, but yeah, i knew only the isolation since long…
I was worried that I was getting hallucinations as I selpt and because I was so anxious I did get them, but by just being told to not worry about it while trying to sleep I felt a lot of relief and now I don’t worry about it at bed time.
I sleep just fine now except I tend to sleep in too much.
Ok, maybe i have problems accepting the physical stuff… I had it hard too yeap. I dont want more meds against it, we tried that…Yeah, maybe i should ignore and accept that ill still get it now, that i fight… Maybe i want desperately to be free now after those 20 years of loneliness, but i have this illness yeap…
anyway, sorry for the complaining… I couldnt understand why a conversion disorder as well, but it happens i guess…
Thanks for the answers, but who else was somatizing too please?
Now i have nausea in the afternoons, after socializing with my mother, its caused by my paranoia and stress…
Someone else who was having nausea precisely too? Does the ap can help me with the time? Ok, i maybe dont need to worry about the nausea, but it sucks to have it. You can get that this is accompagnied with body weakness so its painful, yeap. The docs says that it all comes from my paranoia… I should be patient with my treatment, even if 4 years been gone on them?
Yeah, right now, i push myself more but i have this body stuff…
Do you see a psychologist?
I dont see a psychologist, but i wonder if the nausea can get better by the zyprexa? The docs doesnt know what else to offer against this…
I talk mainly to sz friends irl and none of them has this… Its really painful tbh …
Yeah, one friend says, that my illness is not so as a mental disease, but a soul and psychological disease…
Now i have the support of one very good friend online and i try to push myself. I have a history of 20 years old isolation, without anyone around me, so maybe its natural now to feel as this nauseous s***…
From Wikipedia:
“Treatments for conversion syndrome include hypnosis, psychotherapy, physical therapy, stress management, and transcranial magnetic stimulation.”
I think you would benefit from seeing a therapist @Anna1
Conversion disorder is very rare, more than sz, 0.1-0.5%.