Who else have horrendously difficult mornings?

I have wait 2 hours since getting up to become consciouss myself, also im really thristy in the morning and it takes 2 coffees to become functional. I also have a massive urge to smoke that iw difficult to chainsmoking after, im literally a zombie in the mornings unable to work a sentence. What about you?


It takes me a couple cups of coffee and about 1-2 hours to fully wake up. I think it’s the Haldol in my case

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I also wake up slowly in the morning and need a lot of coffee. I hope it gets better with time.

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It’ll take me over an hour and a few cups of tea to really feel awake.

I attribute it to my nighttime meds.

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I used to but not anymore.
Now i wake up with joy, and good mood,
ready to smoke and drink coffee.
Every morning is a blessing.


IT used to happen to me.

What can help is a rigid schedule. Wake up and sleep at the same time.

I think the cause is depression.


I know both ways, jumping out of bed and ready and excited to explore the new day. Or totally zombiezonked. These days I need a cold bucket of water to make a move in the morning.

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I used to have horrendous mornings, but I gave up caffeine/coffee and now my mornings are ok.


I knew it, you are right, it’s the coffee (caffeine). Since I can’t afford coffee anymore I am much more balanced. I switch to chocolate drinks. I don’t want to mention any brands. Thanks God I am broke. I can’t afford tabbacco anymore either. At the moment I can drink only tapwater.


I have very difficult mornings. Qwertle can get me up anywhere between 4am and 6am. Usually it’s around 4am. Have to make a bottle. Change his nappy. Feed him. And entertain him cause he is wide awake. I stay up with him for a couple of hours and when it hits 6am I go back to bed and my partner takes over.


Fully the same. I blame negative symptoms. If I don’t force myself out of bed and caffeine/nicotine up, I can easily stay in bed all day. I know, because I have

I’m a little bit jealous tbh. Coffee is an essential part of the banana morning routine

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I’m usually a zombie too in the morning. But that is because I take clonazepam for sleep, I only sleep 6-7 hours and that med makes me feel tranquilized when I get up. I drink a large cup of coffee and some green tea to shake off he tranquilizing effect. Takes me an hour or two to really perk up.

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