- horticulture/turfgrass management
- industrial technology
- b.a economics with spanish
0 voters
im sure it will be one of these three, not sure if i want to be a tradesman, work in an office, or work outside.
0 voters
im sure it will be one of these three, not sure if i want to be a tradesman, work in an office, or work outside.
There’s some advantages for a trade. It’s hard early when money isn’t so good but later you can pick and choose your hours/jobs.
yeah it pays decent around here starting out some places. one place was hiring in at $30/hr up the river. also my schooling would be paid for through grants if i choose industrial technology, through indiana’s next level jobs program.
It’s worth checking out. Bonus in construction is that you can run your own business and have some pretty good autonomy. I’ve a brother who owns his own painting business. He employs my other two brothers and does pretty well. It would be nice to run your own business eventually.
For you Horticulture/Turfgtass Management.
that would be my natural inclination to go that route. but pay varies depending on location. that’s what has made me reconsider it. it’s a trade in its own way i suppose.
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