If i didn't think i was smart

people used to compliment me. I thought I was smart enough to go to college but am starting to wish I would have just gone to trade school.

playing sports did me no favors, I put all of my time and energy into sports and never hit the books. I would go to class and pay attention but never did more than that.

college isn’t so bad I guess. I could go back and finish, but it would be tough to write all those papers. I don’t like writing papers.

most of my family went into the trades and did well. they weren’t as focused on sports I don’t think. I have a cousin who is an engineer for boeing.

im not sure what im going to do now, maybe just work in a restaurant part time for 45 months before deciding my next move.

I had some friends that went into trades and their employers would pay for their classes, while they apprenticed, wouldn’t have been a bad way to go. I may still go to trade school, but not sure. at the moment im leaning towards luthier school. im thinking I would still work part time and then come home to a workshop where I would build guitars and mandolins. it’s just a thought at the moment, who knows.


Good luck with whatever decision you make. :sunny:

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Hope you pick going back to school. Do a search on what jobs would be available with your bachelor’s. Good luck :+1:

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Yeah hearing that. They pushed us into university and I failed but worked in the trades. For years I was a vehicle accessory fitter. Just simple jobs so no papers but fitted stuff to cars. You needed some skills and I learned to love working with my hands.

I agree with you. It’s too late for me now but if I was forced to work I’d go work for my brother who’se a painter. He makes good coin and it’s hard work but I like that!

Working hard for a living physically is a good thing in my book and trades are great if you get the certificates!


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