just too early of mornings. I would have to get up at 5am and then would be in such a hurry I would have to skip breakfast. lately I’ve been forcing myself to get up at 6am and allow myself a full hour to eat breakfast before starting my day.
when I worked on the golf course I was allowed to play golf for free as a perk of the job. but after a day laboring I found that sticken around after to play a 3hr round of 18 holes was the last thing I wanted to do.
anyways im no longer considering a career in turf. I might do it, if I can’t find any other employment options but would prefer to do something else. probably just retail in a garden supply center or something like that.
I am going to take some horticulture classes, but being in my mid 30’s I don’t want to go back to school for 4 years or more. im only going to get a couple certificates at community college, one in turf, and the other in growing fruits and veggies. should take me 4 semesters. im just doing turf as a fall back option.
im not going to get an associates because I don’t want to write any more college papers and take social sciences and English classes. just certificates that don’t require any of the extras.