I am looking to adopt a new cat. I have a dog and we need a new companion. I like standard breeds, hence bubble (dog) is a labrador. I’m laid back and would like a cat that’s not too energetic and isn’t too large when full grown. Which breed do you recommend?
I dont usually pay attention to breeds. Missy is the only pure breed animal that lives here besides the rats I guess dont know much about that honestlyz. The cat is a main coon / blue russian mix. Beautiful but a little loud… hes a talker
may you post of pic of said feline? or a link
A himolaion is good bread
I like the generic short hairs. Adult cats can be moody but so worth the time. Adopt and look at cats that are good with dogs. A cat is just plain awesome in my world.
@rogueone: that’s what I’m searching for. generic short hair. going soon to the shelter soon.
Russian Blues are great. We have a Calico named Callie that is very affectionate. (My sister’s name is Cali— how silly is that!)
We call them domestic short hair but there’s a few different names out there. Basically your average house cat.
Short-haired persians make great indoor cats. Sure, they look goofy, but they can also be very adorable
You may have to make an appt with shelter to be able to bring the pupper in to make sure cat potentials and dog are ok.with each other. That’s what they do here at least. I’d call ahead, but a lot of shelters are holding off adoptions right now because of the sicknesses going around. But call and find out, you may need to also provide proof of any animals in the houses immunizations for rabies. Etc.
@raely218: thanks for the operator info. Bubble is grown, shelter says cat is good with dog. I cannot wait and will adopt once rain lets up.
I tell you what cat to avoid based on observations at my sister’s house.
A Siamese cat. They are loud and can be talkative but they tend to keep to themselves and may only form attachments to their owners so if guests or yours or others dogs come in they may not be very sociable.
i’m looking at tiger / tabby. looklike-a tiger. @Blossom: is yours a tiger/tabby? behaved? looks high strung, like on substances. Advise.
@gene, my 2 cats are both American shorthairs. They are well-behaved and usually come when you call them. They laze around a lot and sleep a lot, but they also like to play with their toys and laser pointers sometimes. They meow a lot, but only to get my attention or get treats.
I love my cats. They’re my buds.
I had a wonderful grey tabby cat (Smokey) growing up and when she passed away at 18 years old when I was 22, I was devastated. She was so friendly and affectionate. I love tabbies because of their beautiful stripes. I never got another cat after that as I kept budgies and the two don’t really mix lol! But I love cats too
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