When you are actively psychotic, do you lose all emotional feelings including love?

It feels like you are so trapped inside your own head you cannot feel anything, including love?

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It’s like being in a dream while you’re awake. For me, it’s a complete loss of context, just like a dream.


I still feel everything, but I had the voice of someone in my head who made me extremely self conscious so it affected my every action.

I still get this from time to time, it’s different now though but still awkward and tricky.

I don’t know how to get over this because it can’t be proven. To be untrue.

yea i think dream and reality become hard to take apart from each other. It’s like when you are doing ok then dreams are easy to recognize but when you become psychotic the lines get blurred and dream and reality harder to keep apart.


yes, feeling detached. no empathy. no love. just numb.


I thought it was just me…is it the SZ or the meds?

I’m told I am actively psychotic and I definitely feel love for those whom I care about

I haven’t been psychotic in several years but I had emotions just fine while I was in psychosis. I was just believing strange things. There was still emotion and I still loved my family, I just thought they might be dopplegangers testing me. That was the only difference :open_mouth:

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for me i think the blame is the sz. that’s just me personally

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