I believe prior to this, the voices feel the emotion on my behalf.
The male voice lessen the impact of intense emotion for me. It would say something positive to me under dangerous circumstances, for example.
Before the male voice leaves this time, it said I would experience full emotion again.
Does anyone think the lack of emotion was due to voices?
This sometimes happens to people but I don’t know how often. It happened to me, and I feel like I’ve gone back to living in a movie, where the smallest car passing in the morning brings back romantic thoughts. It’s really weird actually, I’m not sure I really love it. Glad your emotions came back. Now you’ll have to deal with the instability that comes with having a variety of emotions as well.
When I started getting better, I would hear old songs that I have always loved and I would start crying. I was confused because I thought I was having some kind of depression attack. But then I realized what I have been missing (emotions). They had been suppressed by the SZ for so long, I had forgot how wonderful emotions are. Now I find myself going through my music, listening, crying sometimes, and thanking God I have my emotions back.
I recently realized that I go through this cycle of doing well, but having terrible dreams, then being terrible and having good dreams. I seem to bounce my issues back and forth from my subconscious to my conscious mind. Either way a part of me is unhappy at all times. Sigh.
Those voices man. They jerk you around but sometimes they say true things. I was very depressed when I was psychotic but I’m starting to have my emotions again. Who knows?