When I die

I want to be creamated in a tree urn so my ashes will live on


Nope, no mam. Seriously, have you been talking to your pdoc about your preoccupation with death and passive suicidality? There’s nothing wrong with being prepared in the case of sudden and unexpected death, but you’re 50, not 95. You shouldn’t be thinking about death this much. Please talk to your pdoc. I am worried for you.

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I’m serious @FatMama. Are you okay? Please answer.

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I’m totally okay. I have no interest in dying but we all will. I’m just ready. No plans

:pensive: @FatMama, that’s my point is that you shouldn’t be.

Barring any sudden health issues, you’re not at the end, in fact you’re nowhere near it. If you had a typical 9 to 5 job, you’d be 15 years away from retirement, not death. You’re 15 years away from the final chapter of your life, that’s true, but your last chapter can last at least 15 to 20 years. So now, we’re at a total of 35 years until the end. That’s 35 years you can spend truly living. 35 years to travel, 35 years to share your talents with the world, 35 years to do something for which the world will remember you.

So, what I’m saying is, don’t give up on your life, because if you are willing, there is so much more of it to live, and only once you have truly finished, should you sleep.


I want to be frozen into ice cubes and scattered over the Rocky Mountains at dawn.


I want to burn and distribute me anywhere you like. The Pacific ocean would be nice. It don’t bother me in the slightest.

All’s I want to do is leave some money so I don’t drain anyone and enough for a keg or two for everyone to have a drink and say goodbye!


Ideally I want to donate my body to science, but that would require me not being a lazy worthless pos and actually filling out the appropriate paperwork ahead of time.

Otherwise I’ll be cremated and scattered.


Woah woah woah. You don’t have to talk to yourself like that. In fact, I’d advise against it. You are a human being. How would you feel if I walked up and called you that? I’d probably end up getting smacked in the face, twice, once from you and once from your husband if he were there.

The golden rule is to treat others the way you want to be treated, but it goes both ways. You also have to treat yourself how you want others to treat you. Treat yourself the way you treat Baby LED now and how you’ll treat her as she gets older; with love, always. :heart:


Yeah, I wanna get cremated too


I love that idea. Ideally though, I’d like to be chopped up at sea, off the South African coast and fed to the sharks and seagulls. I’m not sure anyone would volunteer to do that, though.

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I would like to be cremated. Don’t care where my ashes are spread, throw me anywhere.


I think i don’t notice when i die. Its like passing out,
i guess.
I got my urne already on my shelf reminds me to appreciate life.

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Gone and forgotten.

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