Exactly as stated above.
Please tell me all you can about your menopause experience.
Exactly as stated above.
Please tell me all you can about your menopause experience.
I haven’t personally but my mom was on the depo shot at I think 45 she had one hot flash then she never had another period and has been fine ever since, I think everyone is different
Do you think you’re going through the change of life?? Just asking
My mom stopped her periods in her early 50’s,
My grandmother claimed to have had a period longer than that.
I don’t think I’m going through menopause, but my periods are getting worse.
Like to the point where I’m considering hysterectomy.
It would kill me to do it, I don’t know why, but I may have to.
My mom has been through menopause and she said she didn’t notice any symptoms, lucky her!
I have not gone through it but I am on testosterone and that can cause similar types of reactions, I get hot flashes at least and they are noooot fun
So you might be premenopausal
Yeah possibly. I’m only 30 but testosterone can speed it up
Oh……… that does not make me feel good lol. I didn’t know that.
I have high testosterone
I specifically take testosterone though, my levels are similar to someone that was born a s a boy
I was prescribed estrogen haven’t taking it yet cause it can cause blood clots if you don’t move a lot according to pdocs advice.
They can do a blood test to check your estrogen.
I had a supracervical hysterectomy and removal of one ovary when I was around forty. Because one ovary was left, I did not go into menopause after the surgery. However, because I no longer had periods after the surgery, I was not sure exactly when I did eventually go into menopause. I never really had any symptoms, not even any serious hot flashes, so it remains a mystery as to when I actually went into menopause. Years later, when I was in my early 50s, I did have a blood test that confirmed I was in menopause at that point.
Around 30, my periods became so heavy I needed to change my tampons AND overnight maxi pads with wings every 2 hours minimum. I also had blood clots coming out that were so large I had to push them out. I also started having hot flashes.
At 33, things got very abnormal, and I had a hysterectomy.
At 35 one of my ovaries twisted on itself until it bled and became necrotic. It got removed. 6 months later, the other ovary did the same things and was also removed.
I took estrogen (but not progesterone) in a pill called estradiol until I was 43. While on estrogen, I felt great and had no hot flashes. Now that I’m off it I sweat very easily and have hot flashes all the time.
So if I keep just the one ovary,
I won’t go into menopause after a hysterectomy?
Didn’t know.
That is very valuable information.
Will consider.
Thank you.
Early 40s for both my mom and my granny. I’m so close to the finish line!!!
If I remember correctly, I think I was told that women with one ovary may go into menopause earlier than women with both ovaries.
The good thing about having everything removed is that this reduces your cancer risk. In my case, they removed the uterus due to fibroids and endometriosis but left the cervix and were planning on leaving both ovaries. However, there was a large cyst on one of the ovaries so they also removed that ovary.
I started perimenopause at age 51. Was done at 52. I bled real heavily my whole 51rst year often having two periods a month.
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