Anyone here hit menopause?

My period should have happened last week but it hasn’t. I just wonder if I’m now in menopause. I’m 46. I don’t have hot flashes or anything like that


It could be perimenopause.

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It could be a very late pregnancy. Just to be certain, take a pregnancy test.

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I had a early menapause due to ovarian cancer I had.

I used to have hot flushes .

It’s nice not having my period as I had a condition that gives you painful and heavy periods.

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my mom says im going threw the change

i dont have a period cause i had endometriosis a severe case they had to take my uteri’s and faloopin tubes out

i get severe hot flashes cramping and agitation

my doc says im to young 41

so im going back to my obgyn to see if i have endometriosis now on my ovaries

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Mine quit without warning when I was 51. My last period was spent in the hospital because I had drunk a huge overdose of water.

You can your hormone levels checked if you want, and that can tell you where you’re at in the process.
I took birth control for many years which slows down the process. I stopped at 50 and had my hormones checked but I was still “young” hormone-wise so I went back on birth control. At 55, I stopped again (I stopped before my birthday in Dec 2021) I haven’t had a period since then. Had my hormone levels checked a few months ago and they indicated that I’m in menopause.
It sucks by the way, so I hope you aren’t there yet. :purple_heart:

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I started getting hot flashes in my 30s. Then I had to have all my female stuff taken out and went straight into full blown post menopause. I no longer produce estrogen. I hate how it affects my body. I have a big belly and I’m shaped like I’m older than I am. But losing weight helps a lot. I just have to stick with it and keep working out

I went into menopause at 43 I think it was. Just had my last period and that was it. I think, looking back on it, I had cognitive problems, but that was about it.

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Hmmm :thinking: I haven’t had sex in 10 years.

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I tried whacking it with a rolled up newspaper a few times, but it didn’t work. My wife still gets hot flashes.

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Hahahahahaha!!! 15151515

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@SkinnyMe i read that APs can mess with your period. Idk. But I guess if I am in menopause (well I just recently bought some maxi pads a big package of them) I’ll have to give my pads to the thrift shop.

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