What's your daily supplement regiment?

I remember when I was obsessed with the Niacin flush. The itch is to die for

400 mg of L-theanine
4g of sarcosine

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A lot of stuff but my favs are a teaspoon of aloe Vera, 3grams vitamin c, 10mgs astatanxthin, a vitamin e capsule, sometimes I take fish oil as well

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I am soon adding melatonin and l theanine…!!

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I hope they work for you

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I used to experiment with all sorts of supplements, but quit them all for quite a while. Restarted fish oil (about 2000mg epa and 1200mg dha) and a good probiotic supplement and very rarely saffron (about 20 threads in tea) if I feel very anxious or depressed.

I recently introduced a healthier diet too, with less sugar/coffee/alcohol/grains/dairy/junkfood/processed stuff and more meat/fish/eggs/veggies/fruit/nuts/homemade probiotic foods/water/fresh gingertea.

Either the supplements or the diet seems to be working, i feel lots better since i started. I do hope to manage without supplements in the future, getting it all from diet.

All I take is fish oil twice a day and vitamin D because I have a deficiency. I don’t think I get enough sunlight.

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