One told me that schizophrenics can do better than normies because they’re more focused. It would be nice if it were true, but now I’m tempted to just put it into the 'weird ’ category. But who knows.
He didn’t say it to me, but one guy who tried to kill himself by shooting himself in the stomach said the doctor asked him why he didn’t put the gun in his mouth. Some bedside manner.
I went in for a bladder infection and he told me the “only cure” was abstinence, that would be better for me
Pull your pants down
My German OB said that to me instead of something more appropriate for disrobing and putting on the exam gown. His English skills weren’t so good.
Just last week, I went to see my doctor alone and she said to me, how could she believe what I said that I got better with the new meds without being accompanied by my family member.
For the first time, I needed to calm down my doctor’s emotion instead of he / she calming down mine.
(Not sure if anyone understand, I am having difficulty to describe using limited vocabulary)
Actually I hate that, when they ask you ‘why is that’ when you tell them something. I’m tempted to say ‘you’re the one who went to med school, you tell me’
“Head or gut”? If you don’t take these pills you’ll be in and out of hospitals and institutions for the rest of your life. And Woa! It looks like you’re having a manic episode.
Once at a papsmear… "you’d come back more often if we used something tickly right"
When seeking alternatives to seroquel due to drowsiness “you will have to choose between sleepy or crazy”
weirdest thing a doctor has ever said to me was when I was put on fanapt and it caused a lot of stomach problems anyway while on it I was still hallucinating. the doctor didn’t believe me and said that I should still be hallucinating I wanted to so bad to tell her “tell the hallucinations that”
I looked at him funny x you look like a mad scientist!!
So when I went to leave he said and you look like an ex junkie
A jerk psychiatrist told me the voices were “just a little distracting” and when I was clearly having a hard time he said “you know it’s just your own thoughts right?” I stopped going to him.
‘You’re playing on e now (name)’ wtf does that mean ecstasy? That played on my mind for ages
Not really a doctor, more of a therapist, once told me “you do not have the eyes of a schizophrenic”. I found that one weird…
This one I found funny, my psychiatrist saying money was therapeutic!
“You’re not a manual of psychiatry!!” when I’ve tried to explain him my negative symptoms.
its not weird what one pdoc told me but I was a mess and it was kinda of funny-’‘you have nice earrings.’’
Shrink - You should roll up your hair. I was a mouse in the corner. Me - I already do. Shrink - Roll it up every night. Back in the days of the huge rollers like soup cans. Not very conducive to sleep. A black hole of silence -
I didn’t really have an experience with my doctors that was weird. I however would smoke cigs with my old mental health consoler in the parking lot after my session