Whats the wierdest thing a doctor has ever said to you?

when i say that is not good to me , she says that i must know my ilness, thats not weird at all

My pdoc still insist that i don’t have Sz …but he has put me on anti_psychotic…i am trying to reach better pdoc around this month…!!! this is wierdest comment i ever get…!!!

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Did he mean no urinating at all? :wink:

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Exactly :smile:

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When I went to the doctor for something I felt in my abdomen, she said, oh, that is just your hip bone. Um… it turned out to be a tumor.


I had an ovarian cyst removed, and my surgeon showed me pictures of my internal organs. He was very taken with my “lush, luxurious fallopian tubes” and my “beautiful liver”. He said he could tell I was a good girl just by looking at my organs.


My appendix burst…the doc came in and said" OK were gonna get started and if you wake back up it will be fine"… My mouth dropped open I was like dude u said if I wake up…he said ■■■■ I ment when…when I woke back up I was inspecting his hands…he said what…I told him I was making sure he didn’t leave his rollex in my guts…he thought that was funny…


My pdoc once said " it’s not the FBI it’s the police department". Also “you don’t know the implications this would have if the media got ahold of it”. Once a pdoc flicked a mealworm on me. Once an older nurse had me inhale some chemical out of a bottle that gave an erection , I didn’t know at the time but my pdoc said there are chemicals that will do this. the list goes on, and did it really happen, I have absolutely no idea seems 100% real.

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My new therapist told me she is on anti-depressants. Now, I’ve had therapist that are open about being recovering alcoholics, I’ve had therapists who tell me that they flip off other drivers while driving, but when my therapist told me she was on anti-depressants things got awkward for about two minutes. I don’t know why, it’s no big deal. But in a couple of minutes things returned to normal.
Besides, who the hell am I to judge?

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The weirdest thing a doctor ever said to me was “petite girls like you don’t make good breeding stock.” I was 15 and I was only there for the mandatory physical to clear me for high school sports lol


My first pdoc told me in all seriousness that he believed he was the reincarnation of Carl Jung.

When I was seventeen, I got a brain tumor removed, and beforehand they had to do an angiogram. It’s where they cut a hole in your femoral artery and feed a camera through your body and up to your brain. The nurse said, “Okay, now I have to shave your pubic hair,” and I responded, “What, you’re not going to buy me a drink first?!” I got a very uncomfortable stare as a reply.

Before the surgery, I gave another nurse a camera with the express instructions to take a picture of the tumor. This was a compromise, since my doctor said I couldn’t keep it in a jar in my room.


I’m not putting curlers in my pubes. It would chafe, to say the least.

I hear ya. They wouldn’t let me keep the first three pacemakers they removed. Baahstiiids.


He asked if he could borrow $10.00 for some weed.

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That’s a pretty funny doctor lol

“They give it to you in the butt!” then she laughs maniacally about what she just said.

My psychiatrist referring to the abilify depot shot.


pdoc "Do you stilt have the delusion?"
Me (softly)"yes, I still believe it to be true"
pdoc (with attitude)'You believe it, but it’s not true"
Me (confused, not wanting to argue) "I know but I still believe it"
pdoc (attitude getting worse) “You may believe it but it’s not true"
Me (what do I say here?)” I understand it’s not true, but I still believe it"
pdoc (arguing) "it’s not true"
Me (in my head) 'Didn’t they teach this jack ass you don’t argue with crazy? I am trying to be honest about my symptoms and he is f’ing arguing with me! Time for a new pdoc
I just quit talking at that point cuz I didn’t know what to f’ing say. Azzhole


The weirdest thing was actually from my nurse. I had to gave urin which is a regular thing when you are admitted in hospital.
She said: I have to watch you.
So I was peeing like an hour or so.


He said “Ryan your like a boiler without a spark”

Yeah he was Indian and English wasn’t his frist language and he said some interesting things lol he wasn’t my regular doctor I just saw him for the stupid things I didn’t wanna bother my regular doctor with

Oh my god why do they have to watch you?? That’s so uncomfortable…I can’t even pee when someone is in another stall on the same restroom so they’d never get their sample :laughing:

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