What's the shortest way, and the best way you would describe schizophrenia?

To be decieved. To not be able to believe your okay. To not be able to believe what you believe.

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For me, one word : torture


So bad. So bad., but i moved beyond the torture to the enjoyment, and i cant even accredit that to familiarity anymore. Its was God.

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I don’t fully understand your post, though I can answer the question in the thread title.

I have schizoaffective/bipolar-type, not schizophrenia, but in the past I’ve told people, “if you could look inside my head, what you would see would give you nightmares.” I think that’s pretty accurate.


Agonizing 151515


It effects perception and expression and these two things feedback on each other


If i wasnt delusional at least id know im whole. Thats sz, right? To be broken?

Hell on earth. :japanese_ogre:

Hell 151515 chars

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A total waste of energy and time

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My brain is broken.

I just cant believe who i am , what i am, or how i am. Thats it pretty much. Isnt deception false belief? If that is it then that sums it up for me. Thats what i meant by my post.

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Delusions arenkind of fun once you realize there delusions. You can kind of live have in and half out. Its not boring

Agony and torture

Not being able to trust sensory input as well as my instincts

An eathquake in the brain from which repair seems impossible.

Stuck within a hellish nightmare while awake.

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to come to no conclusion -

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I would add chaotic

Ya, a brain that never heals. Feels like that sometimes. I guess medicine helps heal it.