If someone asked u what would u say?
Its like hell.
It’s smoke and mirrors. Your reality is questioned on a fundamental level and usually your wrong. It takes some getting over for sure.
It’s like having a bad headache every day for 40 years but a 100 times worse.
It’s a lifetime disease that would suck 3/10 from your life.Other people start at 0/10,but people with schizophrenia start at -3/10
It fluctuates
Have to make the most of the good times when you can, but doesn’t everyone?
To feel robbed of your own life by yourself is criminal though
Not being in complete control over mind and body
Lots of fear. Lots of anger.
Schizophrenia is no big deal for me, so maybe I don’t have it. Depression bothers me.
Lots of people saying things at you, but there’s no way you can listen well enough. The best part is the ride never ends until death.
Anywhere from constant and debilitating fear and despair to living in a cheesy horror movie to almost normal when meds work ideally. Throw in chronic executive dysfunction and social anxiety and that’s my sz experience for this week.
Schizophrenia make you confront your whole life actions, decisions and leaves you in an endless state of mild paranoia and assumed victimisation.
Its an endless battle - that unless you learn to cope with it - will take over your life.
You have to be strong to deal with sz. In all your moaning to mh services, threats of suicide or self harm. Its you that ultimatley has to deal with it.
I’d say, without meds it’s like falling into a dream while you’re awake.
For me it mostly consists of fear and some grandiose ideas like being a psychic
Depends. Either you’re stuck in it or you’re recovered. Recovered people have eliminated most if not all positive symptoms and retain just enough to make life hard, but not hellish like it once was.
I thank the powers that be every day for my recovery. The worst was when I was in solitary confinement in jail for 5 months and they didn’t give me any meds. That was hell. Like being buried alive but with slightly more room and food every so often (if you could call it that). I hallucinated like crazy in there.
If someone asked, I would probably say, it is a brain disease which affects a person’s perception of reality if left untreated.
I tend to refer to it as a brain disease before calling it a mental illness. Somehow, I feel that carries less of a stigma as it makes the person aware of it on a physiological level as opposed to a lack of mental strength which is something I’ve had the displeasure of hearing people say. “He’s weakminded,” “He has a weak mind.” Et cetera.
I can’t even imagine. That is literally torture. Someone should have had to answer for that.
I’d love to sue but what happened to me is pretty common in there. I should have been in a hospital with a staff who knew what they were doing. Honestly if I ever have to set foot in a jail again I’ll have a massive meltdown. I just can’t do it, won’t do it, never again. As long as I never have to do it again, I’m fine. I’ve made my peace with it.
Thanks though, I appreciate the support.
Wow that’s horrible I can’t believe they withheld your meds from you I’d be in hell without olanzapine even if I miss a dose for a day I freak out
■■■■!!! That doesn’t make it ok. That makes it even worse.