Whats the difference?

Anyone know what the difference is between “thought insertion” and “intrusive thoughts” I have intrusive thoughts that have a paranoid theme with no feeling of paranoia and I can’t tell if its OCD/Anxiety related or if its residual psychosis.
Any help would be appreciated :slight_smile:

Thought insertion is when other people put thoughts in your head. Intrusive thoughts are when thoughts enter your head without other people being involved. That is how I think it is. If I have understood it right.

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Thanks for your response, yea that sounds pretty logical. I got into a little problem with my downstairs neighbors because my smoke alarm was chirping. I get a call from the condo association telling me to fix it because they complained. My first thought was "damn, the neighbors reported me to the government"
When I meant to think housing people. It freaked me out and I couldn’t tell which one that was.