what’s a cool bird you’ve encountered?
i remember one time i saw a duck. even heard it quack! rare to see in the heart of the city.
what’s a cool bird you’ve encountered?
i remember one time i saw a duck. even heard it quack! rare to see in the heart of the city.
Vultures are pretty damn cool.
i don’t think i’ve ever encountered a vulture. must be scary
I saw a huge bird while kayaking last month. It was some kind of bird of prey. About 3 feet tall, probably at least 6 foot wingspan. Not a turkey vulture or bald eagle but something else.
I see hawks sometimes cardinals are cool also
Vultures are scavengers meaning they only eat what’s already dead. They don’t hunt. Don’t really have to worry about them. But man are they cool. I also love ravens and Falcons
While in France, I saw peacocks roaming freely in the gardens of the Fontainebleau castle. Can’t get much cooler than that
Oh man yes the males I believe and their beautiful feathers.
Weird how humans the females are the more attractive mate in the minds of the majority of the population but in birds the males are more colorful and beautiful.
I took this video of turkeys trying to mate. And some fighting was going on. Shield your eyes if you’re not 18!
We have many hawks here. You can see then flying with their huge wings riding the wind currents. We also have ducks. Rarely, I might see cranes. At the beach we used to see pelicans.
every once in a while, i would find an interestingly colorful bird among the city pigeons. sometimes red or golden-brownish. but ever since i moved from my old home, i haven’t seen much birds about. i hear them though. it can also be because i’m not going outside enough to witness any
I am an Amateur Ornithologist.
I used to go birdwatching all the time.
The coolest encounter was with a Great Horned Owl.
It was a Spectacular Event!
some little colorful bird made a nest in a… uh i have no idea how to say this in english… in a locker for electric meter in front of my house
she even have babies inside
we make sure that we dont disturb them…
I have stood next to a golden eagle. It was majestic.
I like storks hunting frogs, if the storks are dirty that means be rain
hawks we see them once a year