Bought a birds of prey experience

It is something i always wanted to do. It was something like £40 for two but we got it at 90 percent off


No idea what that is.

owls, eagles, hawks , falcons you get to see them up close


Cool. We have a lot of hawks around here. They look pretty neat when they fly and ride the wind currents. But that sounds pretty cool.
Were they in cages? How close were you?

I have paid for it online, so i am going to see it sometime soon :slight_smile: Hopefully they are not kept in bad conditions :worried:

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I would like to do that…

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Do you get any falconry lessons? I have seen that advertised at a local bird sanctuary once. It sounds like a lot of fun.

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yes we also get tought how to handle them :slight_smile:

Ish birds of prey up close are majestic. I have stood three feet from a golden eagle. Was a serious highlight for me.

You and your friend will have a great time

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I like it when at night or during the day a big bird- owl or eagle flies in front of my car, not too close. that is a special treat.


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