Mine is osprey

So many good ones I can’t pick.
I like eagles. Emus are cool too
I swear you are my favorite ex-boyfriend’s soul twin. You should give the pirate band a shot.
I like birds a lot. But vultures are probably my favorite at the place I volunteer at. or owls. or falcons. or the Noble hawk. or ravens or crows.
I like all kinds of birds - bird watching is a hobby of mine.
We get a lot of Hawks here in the Autumn - love them.
I have been into birds since I was a kid/teen.
The corvid family of birds are highly intelligent. Ravens, crows, jays and magpies.
A girl at work told me a story of a crow who found a lot of nuts but couldn’t break them open, so the crow would take the nut and drop it on the street for the cars to run over. And then he/she would check for the light to turn red to go and eat it. Amazing creatures those corvids are.
Yes, Ravens and Crows are super smart - birds amaze me.
I am always keeping my eyes on the sky and trees, have my binoculars handy in the house.
Love Ravens… they are amazing… I love watching those clips that show how off the chart a Raven’s I.Q is… they can even voice mimic.
Other then that… I like puffins and loons.
[quote=“SurprisedJ, post:12, topic:32578”]
and loons.
[/quote]I like you too @surprisedJ
I don’t know the name in english but in portuguese we call them pardais
When I was a park ranger for two years I would occasionally see Herons wading around in the wetlands of the park I worked in. They’re beautiful, elegant birds.
The Blue Heron’s here make me smile…
Near the water is an old apartment building that put it’s heat vents on top of the building… The big tree next to it is a Heron’s nest
On cold mornings the Heron’s are always standing on the little vent lids… warming their feet.
That sounds pretty neat.
Ruby throated hummingbird. There is some subspecies of penguin, I think the Adele Penguins, that have perfect values. Watch the documentary “March of the Penguins” to see what I mean.
March of the penguins is beautiful