Birds of prey

I’m at the audobohn center right now
Took some pics


One time when I was hauling hay our crew found a couple of baby red tail hawks out in the field. I took one home with me. We fed it Alpo and kept it till it was big enough to fly, but I doubt if it survived after we turned it loose.

Sad to see them confined, but thrilling to see them. I love birds so much. Those are all really beautiful! :heart:

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Yeah they’re all injured so it’s nice they get to be fed well and cared for . They probably wouldn’t survive in the wild.

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I see the hawk has a nice rat. Thanks for sharing. I do love looking at those beautiful birds.

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Other place, where I used to work, had vultures, a falcon, a great horned owl, Eagles, Raven and crow outside…I would’ve gone there but I kindve left on bad terms…

This place had a falcon but it died, now it’s just Hawks and owls. Still nice :slight_smile:

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Cool owls!

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We used to go to wildlife sanctuaries when on summer holidays. They would often have telescopes trained on wild bird nests. They were cool

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