I was a little of everything. I got along with everyone.
Same here. 15151
Skinhead, who dwelt among the grungers and the blacks. Was odd really. But thats how I roll. Fit it any circle and always welcome.
In the last two high schools I attended, I was a loner. I had zero friends and I walked the high school corridors alone. I also sat and ate lunch alone.
In the high school previous to those two, I was in the international students clique. Even though I wasn’t a foreigner, my best friend was. Through her, I was friends with all of these foreign students. I had great fun at this school.
I was the computer nerd .
No one from my high school liked hip-hop quite as much as I did
cool… you always came of as really intelligent
Thanks man you’re cool and smart too.
Loner/ Bullied and f****d up by total scum - social categories
I was physically badly coordinated, socially gauche, bad at sports, very shy which turned into severe social anxiety due to the bullying, 2e except there was no 2e or gifted but disabled 1961-1975, academically underachieved due to executive functioning difficulties -especially organising and planning. Have never had any help and support for it. Possibly ADD. Definitely not ADHD. Have had to downgrade expectations in order to psychologically cope. It’s long past time that the damage could’ve been reversed.
I was very popular. I have a job. Taking college classes. Own my own car. And home. I run for Class President my junior year. And graduated with 2 diplomas. I threw the wildest parties. And play It in a band.
I was bullied heavy in my school due to my adhd. It was pretty ruthless back then i guess alot worse than today, bullying was accepted as part of life if you didn’t meet social criteria. You got fat shamed, skinny shamed, specky shamed, your mums a slag shamed and if you didn’t like getting shamed you got a ‘cant take a shaming, shamed’.
This! Thats exactly what it was like!
at my first high school, i was a huge nerd and was a part of the Math Geeks. i wanted to be a part of the Theater crowd because it was the most lucrative part of my first high school, but my involvement was unfortunately cut short by having to move across the country.
so, because of this, at my second high school, i was the lonely delinquent type. i would sleep through class, or put headphones in and listen to music while class was happening. at this point i was breaking into buildings, defacing property and doing stupid ■■■■ . got away with everything because that school had other things to worry about i guess, lol
I was so lame, I got beat up by the President of the Chess Club.
I got beat up by a girl called stacey juggins. It was a fair fight and i barely lost to be fair.
Loner group of one
Skater. We had a big group of friends so I didn’t care about the other peeps.
I was popular years 7 to 9 but from ages 14 to 15 I began to stop being social and from 16 I began to stop caring about things I cared about (interests)
I was pretty much asocial, very much a loner. I wanted friends, but I was weird, rarely spoke, crazy and bullied.
I considered myself a total loser. I was also terribly depressed and a bit psychotic. I’ve been experiencing prominent mood symptoms and psychosis since I was 15. My MI really ruined my teen years.