What social category were you a part of in high school?

I was a stoner punk rocker

What about you?


The western oreintated gentlemen (wog) group, doesn’t suit my background, but yes drugs were profound there too

Esit: we used to walk around lunch and say hey to other groups, it was pleasant!

lone wolf here lol


We had a few lone wolves… they were friendly with others!

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it was weird, I hung around a lot of people who were not a member of any category. My two best friends lived down the street from me and they had other friends. They weren’t jocks or stoners or brains or nerds. They were just kind of average people. We smoked pot and played sports among ourselves but everybody at school knew who the real stoners were. I was acquainted with a few other people like this. Some of my friends were really good at getting girls but I don’t know what category that would put them in.

My friends weren’t especially popular but they were respected. And I went out for soccer one year but I wasn’t a jock, I didn’t hang around that crowd. I smoked pot and sold pot to the stoners but I wasn’t really one of them. I was smart but I didn’t hang out with the brains and the intellectuals. I forgot to say one important thing, me or none of my friends were considered geeks or nerds. We were just cool enough to not fit into that catagory.


Same here me too


I started out being a punk but then the punks kind of splintered off into a bunch of different groups so I mostly just hung out with my one good friend.


Music snobs / stoners. The further into highschool I got the more of a loner I became. Psychosis was creeping in.

I was a loner, I guess.

I don’t know.

Maybe the friend group of the odd people.

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I was a loner for most of the time, but finally joined up with a “gang”. There were only 3 of them. The bad boys, the snobs and the geeks. I joined the geeks.

The nerd/loner.

I was mostly loner

I was a athlete, captain of the football team.


The Vigilantes aka the cherryblossom street gang and i wouldn’t let the name fool you because we were tough
"hey what ya doing there small-fry this is our turf move along buddy’’
Anything between the monkey bars in florence park and the traffic lights near the bustop was vigilante territory…

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I was very popular. Knew everyone in school and always organised parties for nights out in town.

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Metal head, addict and idiot

I was a bad kid, my mom let me do whatever I wanted to do. I lived in a pretty crime ridden apartment complex growing up. I joined a gang and was always fighting and getting in trouble. People bullied me and I bullied them. I had a good amount of friends in school. I talked to popular kids every once and awhile because I was really good at basketball. I never played highschool basketball because I grew up very poor, my mom didn’t have a car or any money. She was on disability. I just didn’t know any better. I was the product of a failed society influenced by violence in music and my role models were drug dealers and older gang members. My mom dropped out of school in the eighth grade. The only job she ever worked was at a poodle salon. The one thing about my mom though was she saw a psychiatrist and she would talk to him about raising me, so in a way I was inadvertently raised by a psychiatrist, but at the time there was no getting through to me. As I got a little older I looked back and saw all of the psychology tools my mom tried to use on me and the one thing that really helped me change some was my mom was an unconditional lover. She never gave up on me. I now repay my mom back the favor by helping to take care of her. I try to take her places and help her with her finances so she can thrive some in life. That’s it. Have a good day.


I hung out with people from all different groups, but wasn’t really a fixture in any group myself.

I was in a couple of school clubs like Student Council, on the Video Broadcast staff, and swam on the Swim Team.

I think I was happiest by myself just pirating music after school, though :sweat_smile:.


Loner / delinquent

Enough words

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