What was your label as a teenager?

I was a goth, still am actually :slight_smile:


This was my teens. My best friend turned to heroin cause Kurt Cobain liked it and disappeared, I dropped out of high school and learned how drug dealers like crazy girls. Ran away to Cali to learn they like them more there.

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I didn’t really get labeled. I was stoner kid who gracefully slid through highschool with ease. Had a rep for being good at video games. Wasn’t quite a druggy. Had your average middle class culture to me. Listened to weezer ( guess I should have put hash pipe vid on here.)

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There was a thread about this a while ago…I was the class badass. I was the scary but cool guy.

This one has videossssss…

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Lololol yeah I have a YouTube channel full of em. moepc123 is my channel. Moe is my nickname, I’ve been called that since I was a little maggot.

No label. I smoked a LOT of pot but the stoners didn’t really except me. I was on the varsity soccer team in 11th grade but the jocks didn’t really except me either. I was fairly smart but I wasn’t part of the geeks or nerds. So no matter what I did I was on the outside looking in. I certainly wasn’t popular.
Nonetheless, a lot of the time I thought I was really cool!

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The stoners called me egghead, the eggheads called me weirdo, weirdos called me cool, the cool called me a stoner.

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Egghead eh?

Looked it up.

when i started to withdaw i started going quiet when i was around my friends and they called me ‘the gimp’ :frowning:

I skated through high school under the radar, scud running (for the pilots amongst us), couldn’t wait to graduate and get away from the sheep mentality.
I was friendly to everyone, but kept to myself.

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I was gothic freak.

It has been long time since those days, but generally I was liked by others, I behaved nicely and focused on my studies. I even got the smiling boy statue, in Finnish ‘hymypoikapatsas’ that was given to a person annually whom other students thought to be nice and so on. I still have this statue with me although during many years in the past I have painted it in many different colors.

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I was first a science feak then an arty-farty hippie. Still am a bit of a hippie nowadays! :blush:

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I was the goth. I got away with my hair and piercings as teachers liked me because I was smart :innocent: Even before I discovered the goth scene thanks to my art teacher (he’s now the head of the school lol) I was the ‘popular outcast’. I listened to different music, liked different things, but still got along with people even though I was happy to keep to myself.

I love Deep, it is such a good album.

I really did not have a label, I was a bit different that’s all.

They all called me The Boss

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Steve Urkel, Nerd

I was the jokester. I was quiet and shy mostly, but on the odd occasion that I did speak up, I usually had the class rolling in the aisles with laughter. I’d pick my spots.

“Less is More”…etc.

Because you were born to run?