What’s “God”?

What’s “God”? Well, you know, when you want something really bad and you close your eyes and you wish for it? God’s the guy that ignores you. – Steve Buscemi “The Island”


Should have been on another thread here. (If you only knew.)

Don’t follow you

Not to worry; just being… glib.

That’s fine. No worries.

I think this quote has a lot of humor to it. Sometimes it sure feels lil that!

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It sure does. :smile: I love Steve Buscemi. Too bad he ends up dead in the a lot of movies.

I have a hard time believing in God because of all the horrible things that happen - like the holocaust, someone getting third degree burns over eighty per cent of their body, and living, the list goes on and on. It’s hard for me to reconcile that to the notion of an omnipotent, loving God.

Is “God” actually an invention to provide our insecure beliefs with a supposedly competent parent? (I know, guys; I’m right up against the wall here.)

I don’t really know. There are many descriptions of “God” or “Gods” and “Goddesses”. I think it is just to give us comfort and security in some ideal thing.
A belief is never secure. That’s why it is a belief. Not even an concrete proved idea is secure. It’s just an idea made as the same matter as other ideas.
There might be nothing secure in this world, so we feel frightened and grab a hold to the next best thing there is on the marked. The idea of “God”. And then the priests jump on the business.

I have noticed that a lot of what we can not explain at all, ends up as a belief in God, so that conveniently explains everything that we don’t know how to. I mean, since we can not explain God either. Might as well, what the hell. I think we manufactured a belief in Hell also just so to keep everyone who fears the unknown from screwing up, as is our natures to do so naturally,… sooooo,… May be some mad genius’s wrote the Bible as well in the same attempt to steer humanity in a better direction. I am terrified of ending up in a place worse than this place. We understand the importance of having rules applied for society’s sake and our children to abide by as well when we become parents.

Personally, for me, living a life according to a book is nonsense.
We all live according to influences from our experience, conscious or not and we just cannot see that we are limited in our living. Being the most bright Nobel laureate to the most mentally unstable person. We just can’t see our conditioning.

Fear plays a huge role in our life. Destroys everything.

“Only a fool believes everything he hears, while the wise man puts it to the test”. This is written in the book of Proverbs in the Bible itself.

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Some phrases got to be invented by someone somewhere. If it weren’t on the bible and just be a local proverb it probably wouldn’t have a whole cult around it.

Isn’t fear based on the way we appraise the environment according to our beliefs?

If we knew what our beliefs actually were – and could sort those that were relatively realistic from those that weren’t – might we have less fear?

The CBTs and MBCTs are the best way I know of to look into this and sort the chicken ■■■■ from the chicken salad.

It’s not a case of being ignored. Maybe you should reappraise your definition of God. For example if he does not intervene or respond to what humans want because for whatever reason he is incapable of doing so Or maybe he is not there at all. Using the word Ignore conjures feelings of bitterness , negativity , etc

Clapton is God. So is George Burns.

Blahhh 15151515

Casinos don’t depend on luck to make there millions. Every game is made so that the odds are in favor of the casino. They deliberately play games in which the odds are in favor of them.
Blackjack, Roulette, slot machines; all of them.

My point exactly. People believe in luck hence throwing money at the casinos.
People believe in God hence throwing money/devotion to the religion.
House wins every time because of the belief.

It was a confusing analogy that’s why I blahhhed out the comment.
Made sense to me though. :smile: