What Movies Are or Could Be About Schizophrenia?

I can’t remember who but some dude was talking about how deadpool could be schizo.

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In the comics Deadpool hears voices, but he didn’t in the movie.


I don’t know why they play some movies or even if they should play any. But I had a similar experience . It’s like they’re not concerned with having a good environment to recover in.


I just started watching Jonathan Strange and Mr Norell on Netflix. It’s a seven episode series. I don’t think I can finish it. It seems so sad. And I agree, it definitely does seem about psychosis.

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Any movie starring Mel Gibson.

Lol braveheart was an awesome movie…halfway through it my gf asked if there was a part two…I laughed really hard then remembered she hadn’t seen it before…

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But what did the gibberish mean though?

I wouldn’t ask if it was anyone else, but you’re always very coherent with your posts.

Braveheart. Gladiator. The patriot. Were on permanent repeat in rotation on my tv when I was ten. Loved war movies

Oh I have no idea…I think I blacked out for about 20 mins today…I must have been in the middle of responding…

Ahh okay, happens to the best of us.



Pi is definitely a movie like that. I forgot about that movie.

I was also watching Spirited Away the other day and thinking this is just like the gradual descent into psychosis. Good movies.

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2001: A Space Odyssey


This probably isn’t funny

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While I was dealing with psychosis and before I was put into hospital I was also watching the matrix trying to crack the code I would watch it over and over getting different messages. My middle name is named after a bird and I saw the kind of bird I was named after flying high up leading various other different birds in a v formation
I thought this was a spiritual sign. And I went extreme with nature and going vegan I also thought I was god by the time I was put in hospital.

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I’ve had the Jesus delusion pretty severely, kind of ashamed to admit it. But He’s one of my role models now because of it, so it wasn’t all bad.

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Pretty much every horror movie ever made is just a group of schizophrenics who decide to go on an adventure.

The matrix is totallllly about schizophrenia!

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Donnie Darko is legitimately about a kid with schizophrenia going through his psychosis. If you know that then watch it again it’s very obviously about schizophrenia.