What money can’t buy


Thanks. It reminds me that money really is all that important.

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You mean not all that important.

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You’re right, that was a typo error. A person could argue that money is important, but I will not let myself believe that. I want to believe in the things that money can’t by, like the video says. For one reason, there is not much a person can do about it if they don’t have a lot of money.


That’s because you also need good sheets (I like bamboo with a high thread count) and a stylish comforter/duvet set.


Not only is money not important but actually posessing it’s opposite, poverty, is important


I do mostly everything free of charge :slight_smile: its the material riches that are worth more, you can be poor but be rich in other ways, i wish people knew this as the world would be a better place,

Sometimes it is good to abstain from luxuries bc you become dependent on silly things of no consequence or worth, self indulgent pleasures with no purpose only to make you feel good in the moment,

Life is better than that cup of coffee, its worth more than what you think, do not be lost in a dream world of obscure iniquities.

plant seed and make fruits, make orchards as far as you can see.


I saw something scientific recently that studied happiness of recent winners of the lottery and people who had recently become paraplegic or lost the ability to walk. They compared their reported levels of happiness and found the recently devistated people to be just as happy

The reason the study suggested was happiness was relative. When the rich person indulges in luxurious food for example they become accustomed to it, And have new and unreasonable standards to maintain in order to maintain baseline happiness.

Getting a simple cup of coffee can bring a smile to the face of poor person, whereas a rich person might be tempted to anger because its not the way they need it to be prepared to feel that same level of happiness (Starbucks with whipped cream chocolate shavings almond milk etc.)

A very rich man might feel miserable having to ride around in 5 year old Mercedes because it’s it the newest. Whereas a physically disabled person might be overjoyed at having someone to push them around in their wheelchair

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Money is only not important if you have enough to get by. When you can’t pay bills or need health care, it’s very important


Its criminal intelligence how some people accumulate millions of $$$ where the ordinary guy work and struggle to make his needs met. I am not obsessive compulsive with money. I got better values.
How to make money : sell for profit

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Interesting perspective although your thoughts on how the rich and poor perceive on what makes them happy doesn’t get to the question.

Money can’t but those precious memories all humans have.


You just saying so cause you don’t have any.

True 56896457868854

Very, very good points. Gave me a lot of fodder for reflection.

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Money can’t buy huh penis!


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