Do you still have a good life when you are less wealthy

I’m trying to figure that out because I am pretty wealthy…because of my father.

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I’m not real thrilled with my life…because of Anhedonia…but it’s got nothing to do with money. I’m doing ok. I don’t think happiness and wealth are all that tied together. If you are super poor and can’t afford what you need then , yeah, I can see it making you unhappy but you only need so much money.

I think it depends on what your emotions or feelings value. If you’re the type to seek enjoyment or pleasure from things which are harder to obtain bc of your financial situation, naturally you’ll be less happy. It all depends how we grow up and how we decided to want to be or what we habitually feel comfortable being in a way?? Something like that.

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I heard that wealthy people are generally only slightly happier that less affluent people. When I was in a private psychiatric hospital for a year I was struck by how many people had trust funds. They were very wealthy and very miserable.

In my previous marriage I was financially secure. I am now poor with my disabled husband and I’m much happier


I’m very poor but I’m living like a rich man ---- I’m very resourceful and make my money go far, i do believe that one can be happy despite poverty


I’m poor but I’m happy with my life. Money gets tight but i have things that make me far happier.

I do alright. I have enough money for the odd video game and eat good food when im hungry. Im not rich - but im far happier than when i was working earning loads.

Simply cos theres less pressure in my life.

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I think you need a certain amount of money for basic necessities, and the odd one or two luxuries

Anything beyond that doesn’t make much of a difference to your wellbeing, in my opinion

In actual fact, it can encourage spendthrift behaviour and compulsive spending to fill an inner void

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My fortunes come and go. It seems like I’ll be poor for two or three years and then somehow I’ll come into money.
Just 5 years ago I owed thousands of dollars on my credit cards. I paid that off by cashing in my 401K, my income tax return, and saving tons of grocery money by going to a food bank.

This past year I have usually had around $2000 in my checking account at all times. I am much happier when I have money. I am happier that I have been able to cover any expense that comes up these past couple years, from car insurance bills to buying a new smart phone to paying my car registration.

I like having money rather than worrying about how to scrape up enough money to register my car.

IDK though, when I was paying off that credit card debt I had other things on my mind besides money. Just living day to day. I wasn’t depressed because I was in debt, I still had spending money and I still had good things happen to me and lived me life.


We aren’t pretty wealthy but above average. Money does help but it has its limits. It made me happier but I am still less happy than my friends who are less rich than me due to my sz severe negative symptoms. Money doesn’t treat my sz.

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It is proven through studies that poverty is traumatizing and creates more mental illnesses such as PTSD, depression, anxiety, addiction, etc. It also leads to higher levels of cortisol in the body, which can lead to weight gain, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. So being wealthy isn’t much better than being middle class, but being in the lower class is lethal.


I’ve been poor and I’ve been rich. I can adjust to either.

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Id like to say that when you don’t smoke anything and buy food like beans and veggies and ramen, money just goes further – beer habit included, if you don’t buy cigs and beer money is easy to save :+1:

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I don’t know what i am missing or would buy being wealthy. I got a home, i sleep in every day. Every day is like a holiday. Ok, a cleaner would help. I would built wealth quick quitting my addictions, but still what for ? Overall you can be happy being less wealthy.

I wish I were wealthy so i wouldn’t have to worry endlessly about money. I’d like a break from all these bills


I’m not wealthy but have enough disposable income to afford the nicer things in life like holidays aboard.

When I leave my husband i will be much poorer but I will also be much happier and free. This stay with my sister has given me hope for future

Money doesn’t matter as much as having a loving and supportive family does!


It isn’t easy to save when you’re poor, even without vices. When you’re very poor every dime goes to essentials. There’s nothing left over.


I guess I don’t know any impoverished people IRL. My cousins married these beautiful blonde construction workers which made me think that they were “poor but happy.” They look happy on social media. They may be more middle class though. For the truly impoverished, the term poor but happy is a myth.