Thank you for all the replies!
I’m also a night owl, if I could sleep in the day and be awake at night I wouldn’t mind, because the night is the favourite part of my day. After that it gets less interesting. I would stay up later, but I go to bed when hubby goes, so the only way I would stay up later is to read in bed. If I was living on my own I would go to bed 2am or so. I feel in the best mood at night. In the day I’m too depressed.
Without meds, my sleep would be horrible. like sleeping 1-2 hrs later every day, til i go to sleep at 10am… in fact i believe my first episode was triggered by lack of sleep for 5 days in a row. i manage it now with seroquel and go to bed 10pm and wake up at 7am.
I was like that too before I was on my meds. I would have days when I sleep for 2-3 hour then stay up all day. Then other days when I sleep for 10 hours straight.
I am an early riser, sometimes waking up as early as 4am
did you try any herbs for sleep .
My sleep schedule feels backwards. No matter if I get up early I always feel tired till about 11 or 1130 am.
Many times can not fall asleep till 6 am .
If I could I would sleep for 12 - 15 hours everyday
No…like what kind of herbs?
Usually up till 2-5 am and sleep for 4-7 hours , sometimes broken sometimes not. Go to bed quite a lot during the day if bored and at a loose end.
Sometimes will go 24 hours plus without sleep . Tends to make me feel brighter but the effect is short lived as the need for sleep eventually kicks in
Do you know why this reversed sleep schedule would happen to you? Was it unintentional?