What is your sleeping schedule like?

I just woke up from another nap. Thinking about how unusual my schedule must be to other people this evening.

I generally sleep in 2 to 3 hour shifts 2 to 4 times a day.

What about you? Do you sleep during the night, day or both? Do you sleep a solid 8 hours or are you like me and sleep in shifts?


I fall asleep anywhere from 9pm-11pm and wake up about 6:30am, cause well, da bebe

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I usually go to bed at 9 or 10pm and get up at 6am.

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I used to be similar. I would sleep in 2 shifts a day.

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I sleep 12 hours, Seroquel knock me on my ass.

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I go to sleep around 8pm and wake up around 4am.

Recently my dogs have been off schedule because my husband is out of town and all the cookies they ate upset their stomachs.

So they’ve been waking up at 2am wanting to go out and eat the last couple days.

I napped today, but don’t normally.

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I have hallucinations almost every night. I sleep like 10 hours but I’m up a good portion. No naps except every once in awhile. Now I’m starting to get restless leg syndrome from my dose being upped. I’m on benztropine for it but it only helps so much. I’m content for the most part with my sleep.

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When I don’t have anything to do the next day, I usually sleep from 11 PM to 1 PM. I blame my olanzapine for sleeping that long


I’m on a sleep when ever I want schedule

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My sleep patterns are all over the place. Today I slept from 12:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Now I’m up all night. On Monday we have day treatment, and I will probably doze through that.

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I go to bed at 9 pm and get up to let the dog out around 6 am, then go back to sleep for another 2 hours. After that I start my day.

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Work days 9 pm to 4 am
Days off 12 am to 9 am lol
I tend to sleep longer on my days off!L:D

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I sleep 12am-12pm but sometimes even longer.

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I go to sleep sometime between midnight at 4 am. I wake up at 12pm. Then about half the time take a 2 hr nap. I sleep too much.

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I do 7-8 hours a night. Go to sleep after 8 pm or so and up at 5am. It’s winter so I’ve been sleeping in which means I get up at 5:30am. I like regular and take meds and eat etc same time everyday if possible.

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Im scheduled to sleep tonight, 8 to 10 hr shift. Hopefully its a good one :crazy_face:

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6pm to 4am almost without fail every night

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11pm to 8am (I use an alarm clock to make sure I wake up). Sometimes I take a 1-hour nap in the afternoon too.

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You all get good sleep. I was up at 1am fell back to sleep for an hour at 8 it’s 9 now.

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Whoa, whoa, whoa… You can have a SCHEDULE for sleep?! I think I’m doing this wrong! Left to my own devices, I go to bed late (12-2am), wake up too early (4-5am), feel too groggy to do anything but can’t go back to sleep, then take about an hour’s long nap later (10am-12pm), wake up and want to eat and do stuff but still too groggy. Nap in the afternoon or evening (time range too wide here), then feel fine just in time for it to be too late (read: dark and scary) to get up and be active. Wash, rinse, repeat.

For a while, my sleep schedule was existent and fabulous- take pills at 8:30, sleep by 9pm. Wake up around 5am. Summer is messing me up, I think, because I don’t have to consistently wake my daughter up for school, so I don’t worry as much about going to bed early. Summer is a disaster. Everyone in the house is sleeping weird hours. Even the dogs don’t know when to sleep and when to stay awake.

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