What is With the Misogyny!?

Rules for reopening the thread:

This is not a thread about politics, and whether women (or black people, or immigrants, or gay people, or any other discrete and insular minority) should have rights is not up for discussion on this forum. Please don’t attempt to shut down discussion about issues harming these groups on the grounds of “politics.”

Be respectful of each other. No blaming each other for causing the problem. No personal attacks. We’re here to learn and address a problem, not to name or shame.

I think that about covers it. Continue.


You might have been talking about me. I asked the moderator if she thought I had laid on the compliments too thick, and she said she had received no messages to that effect. I think the business with the compliments was a form of compensation. If you observed me in everyday life you would understand it.

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I’m pretty positive that a lot of what was posted that I saw was old school thought processing. Like equating housekeeping to a “good” woman. That is as offensive as saying a man needs to be the only breadwinner or kill all the bugs, etc.

I think that being respectful of each other as humans, is a great start. We shouldn’t forget that someone is one sex or another or any incarnation of gender because that is an essential part of each person’s identity.

What bothers me is seeing that behavior - and if there was male bashing- creeping into a place where people are susceptible to, what do I mean… insidious thought processes that can hurt themselves and others.

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I really don’t feel like I was trivializing anything.

It’s okay, Crimby. You were trying to minimize drama on the forum. Not addressing this issue has been causing a lot of extra drama and promoting the impression that this behavior is tolerated, though, so it’s important to let this conversation happen.


That makes me feel better.


i would agree with this. sometimes its best to minimize drama but its very important to allow people to have important discussions and air their feelings so it wont be a powder keg


To be clear, we mods have definitely noticed the increase in mysoginistic behavior lately, and we have been discussing ways to address it. Mainly through suspensions and flags/deletions, to fully communicate that such behavior is not tolerated even a little bit here.


Glad I wasn’t being delusional.

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So what about the creepy guys on the selfie thread? Because I flaggged a particularly awful reply once but was told that since the person it was referring to didn’t complain it was fine. Even though it was truly awful.

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Maybe repeat offenders should first be told they crossed a line or that the behavior makes several women uncomfortable. Awful can so.etimes be in the eye of the beholder. Like so e submissive women enjoy it. Now, shy women might be afraid to complain.

i would say theres also the fact that behavior like that is often normalized every day so some women may just shrug it off and treat it like its normal because of this warped system we live under


That’s the problem though. It’s still not okay.


I’m sorry, I don’t know what post you’re referring to. I don’t believe I was the mod to respond, so I can’t comment on that decision. We have had dozens of flags in the past week.

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This was months ago.

no, i agree with you, i wasnt excusing it


I was just expanding on what you said.

oh im bad at understanding what people mean lol


No worries, so am I.

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