What is the least stimulating AP you've tried?

I can’t handle Abilify, it’s making me insane. Need an alternative.

Seroquel and zyprexa are more sedating

Invega was the best I’ve ever tried. Zyprexa and Saphris were both very sedating which might be what you are looking for. Take them at night and you will sleep like a baby.

Ive tried Zyprexa and Seroquel XR - these are 2 very sedating APs.

You also might want to consider Saphris.

I find Zyprexa sedating, but Seroquel doesn’t do that to me. Different strokes for different folks. Haldol bombed me pretty good. All the typical AP’s are very unpleasant for me. If they tried to make me take on of those again I might just choose to live on the street and be psychotic.

I’d just like to chime in and say that seroquel nearly killed me. I went bananas on it. So be prepared for a bit of Russian roulette when changing meds possibly.

Everybody’s different though. For example, abilify is keeping me sane, I “just” have to deal with anxiety.

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Tough it out for two months and you’ll settle down. The alternative will likely be seroquel which you’ll like less in the end.

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trilifon is the best for you probably

PRN and Aripiprazole(Abilify)? Got to see what benzos they’d like to addict you to!

I had to come off it because I was dizzy, nauseous and threw up on the carpet in the phyc ward.

So they put me after 5 different AP’s back onto my first one Olanzapine(ZYPREXA) albeit in a Higher dosage.

I’d have to say Olanzapine is the most sedative one Iv’e been on and you will sleep and gain weight on it. A little more than Abilify, which they used to market as weight neutral.

It might also fog your thoughts a little, but it’s a hell of a lot less stimulating.

I’ve been having a sensitive stomach lately as well…been trying to ignore it because it’s not terrible but I’ve noticed ;_; So far I haven’t gained any weight on Abilify so I’ll keep my fingers crossed I won’t.

I’m betting they choose seroquel because it’s so good for depression.

I’ve tried zyprexa and Invega, Invega is better, and its not activating or very sedating.

Are you taking a second pharmaceutical? If not, were you taking a medicine separate from Abilify?

I didn’t do so well on Abilify too but it’s one of the best. Geodon was a good med for me. Latuda is also good :ok_hand:

Fluanxol knocked the stuffing out of me, but that’s an older AP.