For me it is Catch 22 which I read many, many moons ago.
The first few chapters of Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy was hilarious too.
And I remember reading Martin Amis’s 'The Rachel Papers" in a school study class naughtily and laughing out loud to it getting me funny looks and in trouble.
Do you laugh out loud while reading too as an interesting side thought?
In grade school they had this order form to buy books. I bought this book in about grade 3, I thought it was funny at the time. But as a kid my all time favourite read was MAD Magazine (new defunct).
I think Terry Pritchett’s books are the funniest I’ve read. I particularly enjoyed the Rincewind series, which I think is called “The Colour of Magic”.
Some of Steinbeck’s short books have scenes that made me chuckle. Sometimes maybe with a tear.
One was about this woman who got a new vacuum cleaner when they first came out. No one in the neighborhood including her had electricity. So she would take it out on the porch and push it back and forth - to show it off.
Hubby gifted me I Am Pusheen the Cat, a few years ago. I love it. He also gifted me a Pusheen plush, I think at the same time. The Pusheen plush is holding a donut!
I loved Electric Gumbo. It’s just a collection of short stories, but the author had an absolutely bizarre perspective and sense of humour. I really love that book
Catch 22 is one of those books I re read and laugh out loud at certain passages. Amazing book and work of art. I still think the moaning incident is one of the outright funny passages of any book.–Take him outside and shoot him! Priceless.