What does it mean to have an episode?

I hear voices often and i feel paranoid when I go out. Is that having an episode?

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Good question. When I lived by myself I used to eat dinner in front of the TV. Every night for a few months my symptoms would get really intense and every night I was right on the edge of feeling I needed to be hospitalized. It lasted a half hour to an hour. IDK why it stopped but now ten years later it rarely happens. I call those episodes.

I don’t miss them by the way.

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What symptoms made you think you needed to be hospitalized?

Just feeling a tiny bit that I was going to go stark, raving mad. I always keep it together though and anybody looking at me would not notice anything was wrong. I could never explain my craziness. I can explain paranoia and delusions alright but the symptoms that put me in ten hospitals were my own brain attacking itself for want of a better explanation. I can’t put it into words.

you need to contact a psychiatrist to observe you and give you meds for your illness…seek help in E. R. if you want help right away.

An episode for me is when I have a bout of voices or a panic attack, or when I have depression that’s really severe that I can’t function. Or a self harm episode where I cut myself - usually because of overwhelming emotions or numbness.

Any period of sza symptoms - long or short

@Henri_Henri, I would say yes, those are episodes.

How often do you have an episode?

I’d say that might be an episode but for me it’s usually when I get so lost into my thinking that I’m no longer caring for myself. And objects and people start looking really distorted to the point I even lose track of time. Then my memories and cognition go haywire.

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How often do you have an episode?

It varies. Big episodes of severe depression and self harm and psychosis come about twice or three times a year. Small episodes like a voices attack or panic attack can come once a week or so.

I have small episodes multiple times a day. I’d say I’m still symptomatic but my insight is intact.

an episode i’d say is if you cannot control it, when things get too much for you and you are either a danger to yourself or others and that is when you need proper help and maybe time in a psyche hospital

When i had a major episode, it was because of over stimulation and thought. And because of guilt feelings i had of doing so much wrong. I was leaving reality too much and worrying and it got to be too much so that I was declining. lolol.

For me its bouts of severe delusion and/or hallucinations. My brain will hurt and sometimes i cant talk. I get bad headaches after and super tired.

I become suspicious

Small episodes, lasting a day or two, I have multiple.

For me it’s when my brains starts to notice noises are bugging me all the time

It happens randomly throughout the day

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