Psychotic Break vs. Episode

Hi all,

Just wondering: what’s the difference between a psychotic break and a psychotic episode?

Is it severity? Length of time? Subject matter?

Personally, I think an episode is like a flare-up of psychosis, and a psychotic break is losing complete touch with reality, but I’d like to know your thoughts!

This is just how I define it:

Episode involves hallucinations, minor delusions you can second guess, loss of some insight. Foggy thinking and erratic behavior. Normally lasts a few days to a week for me

break involves complete complex hallucinations, no insight, fully believing the delusions and the voices. A full loss of reality.

I like to number mine.

0-is no symptoms at all

1-3 is minor symptoms

4-6 is medium symptoms (time to think about the ward

7-10 is true madness, fully lost ( go to the ward now)

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Your number system is really helpful!

The reason I ask is because I’m trying to figure out if I’m multi-episodic, whether or not it’s an episode, and what that means. General signs point to “yes”, but I wanted to make sure.

Thanks @Ooorgle!

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For myself, I feel I haven’t been a 0 in many years, I’m always in some form of mild psychosis. But it doesn’t bother me or disrupt my life.

But I wax and wane in severity of symptoms. Often times dependent on my stress levels.

I didn’t just snap at a 6 and stayed at a 6 forever. It depends on my day.

I have SZA because I’ve always got some symptoms, but my SZA varies in episodic severity.

If that helps.

Wishing you well my tuna friend!

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I’m happy the SZA isn’t disrupting your life-- keep on keepin’ on!

Before meds, I was constantly at a 5-7. So I dunno if that counts as a prolonged episode (this went on for 4.5 years).

I’m still relatively new to the medicated world (been on them since April), and I’d say I’m now at a 2 on your scale. Sometimes I get paranoia and reality seems warped, so I’m wondering if these are like mini-episodes on Abilify, or if it’s just left-over symptoms.

Thanks for your help, llama dear!

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Maybe I shouldn’t say disrupt, cause I still don’t work, cook, have a hard time with hygiene. It does disrupt.

More like it’s just not as distressing.

I’m at a pretty consistent 2, minor whispers and I’m able to second guess when I get odd thoughts.

Note this scale is just positives, negatives are a whole other monster

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Gotcha-- I remember your thread on levels of functionality. It can be so hard not being able to do certain things, but I know you’re trying your best, and it sounds like your fiancee and your family are wonderful to have by your side :slightly_smiling_face:

The meds have made it far less distressing for me too. I’m a lot less afraid now.


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