Just wondering: what’s the difference between a psychotic break and a psychotic episode?
Is it severity? Length of time? Subject matter?
Personally, I think an episode is like a flare-up of psychosis, and a psychotic break is losing complete touch with reality, but I’d like to know your thoughts!
Episode involves hallucinations, minor delusions you can second guess, loss of some insight. Foggy thinking and erratic behavior. Normally lasts a few days to a week for me
break involves complete complex hallucinations, no insight, fully believing the delusions and the voices. A full loss of reality.
I like to number mine.
0-is no symptoms at all
1-3 is minor symptoms
4-6 is medium symptoms (time to think about the ward
7-10 is true madness, fully lost ( go to the ward now)
The reason I ask is because I’m trying to figure out if I’m multi-episodic, whether or not it’s an episode, and what that means. General signs point to “yes”, but I wanted to make sure.
I’m happy the SZA isn’t disrupting your life-- keep on keepin’ on!
Before meds, I was constantly at a 5-7. So I dunno if that counts as a prolonged episode (this went on for 4.5 years).
I’m still relatively new to the medicated world (been on them since April), and I’d say I’m now at a 2 on your scale. Sometimes I get paranoia and reality seems warped, so I’m wondering if these are like mini-episodes on Abilify, or if it’s just left-over symptoms.
Gotcha-- I remember your thread on levels of functionality. It can be so hard not being able to do certain things, but I know you’re trying your best, and it sounds like your fiancee and your family are wonderful to have by your side
The meds have made it far less distressing for me too. I’m a lot less afraid now.