What did sza or sz rob from you?

It robbed my zest of life

Maybe it will return IDK


About $3.50



I will write you a cheque for $3;50 its in the post now


Lol, thanks dude


am kind sometimes what can i say hehe

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Too many things man too many things

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Its robbed me 90% of what I used to do before sz.

Keep the faith mate


I can never fully rest; almost like a suffocation or drowning.
Almost like I can’t make a choice myself.

I have no time to myself.

Of course I’ve lost this or that, even my the best years of my life.

All I can do now is listen, until they stop talking or I die.

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I started getting prodromal symptoms around age 14, full psychotic break at 18. I guess originally it robbed me of my high school/adolescent years, but there’s a lot more than that. I can’t get those years back, so I’m trying to make the best of the years I do have left. I’m in my late 20s now.


My marriage, my child, my career, all my romantic relationships, my ability to drive a car.


A wife, kids, physical and mental health, social network (friends), longevity, intelligence, appearance, money, fame, fortune, education, happiness, and peace.

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Nothing I really needed. I came out ahead overall.


My confidence 1515

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Is that you Nessie?


A lot 155544444

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It robbed me of my youth , having a career, falling in love, social life, travelling

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I haven’t been able to read ever since I got on Clozapine (2007 -->)

Focusing on something for a long time (I have ADHD as well, so it might be it too)

I had to re-figure out my creative progress when creating art. When I was psychotic, it was easy for me to draw… just stuff that came into my head. But when the psychosis stopped, my creativity stopped. I had to learn my creative progress again and it took me years. Now I’m in a good place with my art.

Also my good looks and clever mind.

New member says hello!


Some hope. To a certain extent. I’m 24 and I never had a job in my life. I finished high school in 2017 and now I’m at home drawing, playing videogames and doing random things. I’m not even allowed to drive a car by the government. However, it’s not 100% grim, I would say. I’m optimistic. I certainly can’t work in a bar or a restaurant or anywhere with clients due to the mental issues I have. But… I can make money with novels and drawings, for example. Or music if I learn how to make it. That’s some way I can realistically make money to live with, so it’s not 100% hopeless :grin:

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