What did sza or sz rob from you?

it strenghtened me across the board

My sanity at gunpoint.

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I lost my friendship circle, my profession, my marriage, my motivation and my sense of happiness


Friends, jobs (on disability now), I feel like I can’t do much that I used to like to do. Hard to go places. I hate it so much

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Genius answer :pray::pray::pray::pray:


Nothing. It seems everything works out in my favor.

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It robbed me of a social life, but I have kind of resisted getting any friends. I’ve made a life of being alone.


I also have been unable to read either

That is a bad question for me give me poor judgment into Prosecuting people that should have been prosecuted not only their abuse thievery negligence my estimated amount of loss three and a half million dollars also the abuse that they gave to me for being disabled now I am free in my life and have very few relatives left I cherish the good ones I still have to work to make ends meet due to the fact that income is so low that is a total aggravation you have the nerve to ask I have the nerve to tell


When I repressed my sexual desire because of a religious delusion I lost ALL my love for everyone and all my comfort. I have been a desert since. That was in 1989.



Probably my will to live and my spark.

Which country do you live in? Why aren’t you allowed to drive a car?

I have worked at a restaurant while still in psychosis, you can totally work at a restaurant; I would bet on it.

So far, I have also avoided making friends and dating.

I actually developed an interest in joining the Navy, while I was in psychosis; the military won’t accept schizophrenics, at the moment. So, that future seems lost to me, all those possibilities.

It is harder for me to trust other people, now, but I am also far more social. I go out far more than I did; I had social anxiety, before, but I have worked through this by going out and talking to other people more. I ride the bus, now.

I have cut off communication with my father, my sister, my former best friend. I do not feel that I am worse off for having done this, however. Perhaps, it was long overdue.

I quit a government job. Then, I got a restaurant job, where I became unhappy from poor pay and being mistreated; I quit this job, and found another job, which seems better, after being unemployed again for two months.

My mother seems unlike herself, sometimes; I miss her, sometimes, even though she hasn’t left.

I read far more books, before my schizophrenia; I miss this. I read the news a lot, before, too; I don’t miss this as much.

I have taken out a lot of library books that I either don’t read, or leave unfinished; I finished almost all the books that I took out, before. I was rarely, if ever late.

I eat out more, now. I used to eat at home, almost exclusively. I think mom was happier, then. I also spent far less money.

I have no interest in sex. Before, I would masturbate, sometimes. I have developed an aversion to this.

I wonder about the occult, now. I thought it was BS, before. It disturbs me. I don’t like it.

My politics have changed, a bit. I don’t like Britain very much, now. I don’t like NATO. I want Germany to develop a healthy attitude toward its own military, and to send American troops home, finally. I want Japan to get rid of Article 9, and do the same.

I have a strong aversion toward smoking and tattoos, now, but before I simply didn’t like them.

I am not unconditional in my affection with our (mom and I’s) pets, now; I find the cats creepy, sometimes.

Cars stand out more. I don’t like Ford cars.

My perception is warped, at times, which is sad and disturbing. Hallucinations sometimes make me suicidal.

I feel like a lot of people have lied to me, been unfair to me. I am not easily impressed by other people.

I like to try new things more now.

I have involuntary facial expressions that I didn’t have before, which remind me mostly of people I knew long ago, but also have met more recently; I think this is tardive dyskinesia, but I’m not 100% sure.

Watch out for the Loch Ness monster!

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I live in Italy. I’m not allowed to drive a car because they say there is increased risk of injury or death. Kinda like driving while under the effects of alcohol or psychedelics (they didn’t say this last sentence, it’s just a thought I added. They only said what I said in the first sentence).

To be honest, I do feel like I’m on mushrooms or something most of the time XD (I never took any psychedelic but it’s how I imagine it to feel like). I feel like I have heightened awereness of the true nature of “reality”. An infinite Multiverse where nothing is objective, and everything is interpreted through consciousness (human, animal, plant, or alien). There’s no objective reality nor objective truth. This is what I have learned through the years. I don’t believe “schizophrenia” or “schizoaffective disorder” (which is what I got diagnosed with back in August 2014 and psychiatrists still believe stuff like “schizophrenia” exists) exist.

I have greater awareness than most people have. Just like what people say when they take mushrooms or other psychedelics. So I think perhaps they are connected. My consciousness is similar in some aspects to people who take psychedelics. I suspect. Not sure.

People are still fooled by the veil of Maya. I also am, but I have more awareness about it, and the illusion of our soul and consciousness. I am capable of great achievements. Everyone is. It’s just that the society we live in is very materialistic and they believe in some kind of “objective” reality that is supposed to be the same for everyone. And people who don’t see/hear/feel the same way as psychiatrists feel like it’s the “only” “correct” way to see/hear/feel, they get labelled with mental “disorders” that sound more like insults to me. And you have less rights when you have such labels. They force you to ingest poisonous chemicals that will slowly kill you (it is said people who are called “schizophrenic” by psychiatrists have shortened lifespans, I strongly suspect intoxication by those substances they give you is a great part of the reason, that’s why I stopped taking them in November 2020. My well-being has greatly improved since then).

Though, I agree with them not allowing me to drive a car. I’m aware it could cause injuries or death to me or other people. But I don’t agree with their other claims.

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My ability to read a book.

My ability to go out in public without fear.

My ability to carry on a conversation without being weird.

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