This is what I’m reading at the moment and there are some haunting stories… Vonnegut Hocus Pocus is next.
Reading The Transmigration of Timothy Archer by Phillip K Dick at the mo mo, his last book before croaking.
I’m about to read a book by Douglas Adams - comic sci-fi.
The year when stardust fell. Raymond f. Jones. It’s scifi.
Reading and rereading books about meditation. By Eckhart Tolle, Jon Kabat-Zinn, etc.
I got this one because it was new and small and not so daunting. My fault is I accumulate books faster than I can read them. I have a hard time reading most of the time. I get distracted and read the same thing over and over again. I love reading though.
I got 2 books from the library that I need to start reading.
I got “Malady of the Mind,” a new book written about sz by a pdoc, and “The Conquest of Bread.”
I’m getting through “We” by Zamyatin and " Walden" by Thoreau and need to finish " Boy on Fire" a non fiction about Nick Cave. I’ve been a bit all over the place lately so reading what takes my fancy depending on how much concentration I have. I still read at least a chapter a night no matter what.
I am reading 1984 atm
Also I am reading an interesting book about book lovers called A Gentle Madness.
I’m reading Jean Genet, diary of a thief. It’s an autobiography from the 50’ties where Genet “works” as a petty thief and male prostitute living a vagabond life all around europe.
It’s a very explicit homoerotic novel, sometimes a bit too much for a boring hetero like me. Beside that it’s also about love and infatuation. Jean Genet writes with an intense beauty.
Usually im not that keen on self help books, but Jon Kabatt Zins book, helped me a lot with my anxiety and taught me how to meditate.
I love these ideas for my serial book accumulating! Thank you for responding!
Reading through the Discworld series, but while the next book is on hold I’m reading a new zombie apocalypse book, Emergency Broadcast
I want to read but i dont know which authors to trust.
Exposing your mind to a novel is a daring act.
I’m currently rereading “The Beast That Was Max” by Gerard Houarner. I am rereading it because it kicks ass in every way. Gory battle scenes give way to hazy spiritual realms that still reek of menace and other threats to come. This is an action book that doesn’t let up, crazy sh! t from start to finish. Definitely check it out.
I’m reading a manga - Attack on Titan. I’m on book #2. My brother let me borrow all 34 books! I have a long way to go…
I am reading The ghost road by Pat Barker and it’s about first world war and it won booker prize. Kind of different and tough read.
I just read a little bit of Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”. The language is more stiff and formal than English today, and it is making it slow going for me. Once i get past the usage I will get into it. I read “Pride and Prejudice” a long time ago, and the language didn’t put me off as much then.