Definitely not, didn’t did enough drugs to be popular then
I didn’t count. I might as well not been there, nobody talked to me, no one would remember me now. I wasn’t actively picked on, just ignored. I did have a few moments where I did something that got me noticed, mainly selling pot.
My senior year I had my moments too just for making it that far. In my freshman year in P.E. I was picked last in all the teams. By the time I was a senior my athleticism and all the weightlifting finally paid off and the coaches chose me to be captain of teams. Also, my senior year, I ingratiated myself with some of the popular kids. I was recognized and a few of them liked me.
Oh, nope I think… I was the nerd of my class lol… I was obliged by my father to have only good notes, under the menace to be beaten if not… but I was already sick in high-school.
But, I was also the clown so many classmates liked me a lot, secretly they were just leaving me in peace, no bullying, but not communicating much with me…
But I was mostly strange, different and special.
Yes the Library was a safe place, lots of Windows. See people coming. Places to hide. For me toilets were very dangerous, I held it in all lunchtime.
Oh how comes they were dangerous.
Do people beat people up there
Bog-washing was a thing. So we’re beatings. Teachers never came in there. No Windows. I wouldn’t have been killed there but cornered, intimidated, and humiliated for certain.
Oh sorry to hear that. I’m in the UK and my toilets were pretty safe thank god.
I used to be pretty depressed though.
Just sitting on the toilet waiting for the bell to ring.
Poor me…
Sounds like you went through a similar hell to me. What books would you read in the library?
I was mainly doing homework.
I didn’t really read any actual book.
What about you?
I didn’t do any homework lol! I kept putting it off until the last minute and then hoping the teacher was ill. Your strategy makes much more sense
I used to read adventure stories, like James Bond crossed with a treasure hunt. I liked stories where indestructible heroes would survive and win in the end.
I went to three different high schools because my dad was in the military and we moved a lot. I rarely spoke during school (because of severe social anxiety), so no I wasn’t popular. I wasn’t bullied though, so I guess that’s something. I was very depressed as a teenager.
That’s cool Beep
Sorry to hear the bathroom was dangerous. Hiding in the bathroom seems to be a safe space for a lot of people. I’ve heard stories from other people when I was in the hospital about hiding in the bathroom.
In the last year I attended University I was riddled with anxiety and panic attacks and I would feel safe in the bathroom for some reason. Just hanging out in the stall. Thankfully that isn’t a problem for me anymore, my anxiety and depression went away a long time ago.
How did you make your anxiety go away, what strategy or techniques?
Glad to hear that @Headspark, I bet it took some work to get there?
And thanks @Zoe you’re too kind x
I used a program based on CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) called “Attacking Anxiety and Depression” by The Midwest Center For Stress & Anxiety, but the company has closed down It was a 16 week program you do at home, it had audio tapes (1 for each week) and a workbook, after I completed that program my panic attacks went away and I became a lot less anxious. That is why I am such a big fan of CBT. My depression was a little more persistent but that faded away by itself years ago.
I think it lives on at as an app that you can download on your phone, but I don’t know anything about it.
I saw this commercial on TV back in the early 2000’s and went to a seminar they held near my town. I bought the program and it actually worked.
Cool that’s really proactive of you.
I’m glad it helped.
I’m hoping to work through my anxiety too.
On my own since therapy is not an option anymore
Gotta say I hated myself in high school.
I don’t like therapists, I’ve never had a therapist per say, but I did have a nurse/social worker talk to me for a bit during an outpatient program I did at the hospital. I don’t feel helped talking to someone, plus I don’t feel like I can trust them. Some are good but some are bad. This one was nice, but still not for me.
I don’t think I could have done it on my own. The stuff I learned in the program was invaluable. For me it was perfect because I could do it in private. In addition to information and exercises to do in the work book, the audio component included people in group sessions talking about their anxiety and depression which was very relatable… It also had a relaxation tape that walked you through a relaxation process and it was all tied to CBT.
The app is located here, the first session is free so you can check it out. It’s nerve wracking to shell out money for something because you don’t want to get ripped off but in this case I am so glad I did. I think I paid over $400 for it at the time.i still have the program upstairs in my bedroom but I haven’t used it in 20 years. That’s how good it was the first time through it.
I was popular in high school. Being popular made it worse, because I got social phobia. I remember putting my head down on my desks all day long in school. It was obvious I was deppressed. Being popular made everybody notice more.