Were you popular in High School? - Poll

yea that is really cool that you bought something so worthwile.

you are making me think that a few self help books on anxiety might be good for me, social anxiety.

cheers dude :slight_smile:

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Well this was a program, not a book you read, although it did have some reading, I once took a course on CBT that was informative, like a book would be, but it wasn’t as helpful as the AAD program. The AAD program is a combination of several components that make it so effective. If you do buy a book try to buy one that includes actual exercises you do on paper that are based on CBT, with relaxation techniques as well as information. Not just a random book about anxiety.

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thanks that’s really useful information and I do agree with you.

exercises are healing

and really help to hammer home a message being taught

@Joker , sorry for the thread derailment

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I was so kool that I forgot what the meaning of being kool was

I wasn’t lame I was just on a Different Level than all the other students :wink:


Aka not typically kool by people standards


My first year of high school I was sort of popular but then people got bored of me :joy: after that year

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Ditto @Joker


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I never was, nobody spoke to me.

Even though I went to an online school, there was still a lot of social interaction and definitely levels of popularity. I was friends (until recently) with a couple of the more popular kids, but I myself was nowhere near that.

No i wasn’t considered “popular”, but i had a lot of friends that also fell in that category along with me. We were the “rejects” school society ignored. However, i’m perfectly happy that things went that way. I’d rather be who i am than some popular try hard.

Being popular was never a concern of mine. I wasn’t a leader but I wasn’t a follower either. I had a table at lunch time where I sat at with my fair weather friends.

High school was pretty hellish. A kid got beat up by another student bc he was complaining that I was being an ■■■■■■■ to him. Always felt bad for that one.

I was probably the most unpopular boy in the 400+ years history of the British public school I went to.

I was beaten up a lot, robbed, treated like ■■■■ and generally a loner.

My behavioural problems attracted the wrong types of people in the end, and drugs became part of my life - along with anyone who would hold back bullying me to leech off my drug habit

When I was growing up, I was never taught much about anything to do with the evils of this world, and I was blissfully unaware of these things that dragged me down

They kicked me out of high school and I had to move twice

Really sucked as the last one the rumour was that I was bullied out of Catholic School, when in fact my behaviour was the problem

Give it to my parents, they tried, but I was too much of a ■■■■ to help myself

I was a queer nerd with no social skills, before those things became cool.

So no, I was in no way popular.
I did have a few friends and even had some partners.

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