I like punk songs …a few out of a million I’ve heard in my late teens…I prefer some new music but not much…I’m a classic rock kind of guy and mellow music…still love metal once in a while…I d k…
Twisted Sisters comes to mind. They were more rock though right?
something like the plugz, suicidal tendencies…that sort of thing…underground punk.
I like some of the sex pistols stuff but other than that not really.
Do GreenDay or Offspring qualify as punk? If so, then yes. In my early 20s.
True punkers would say Green Day and Offspring raped punk…they hate those bands.
I like the Offspring and Blink-182, but I realize those aren’t “real” punk rock bands. I was never really into punk rock, but I don’t hate it
some friends of mine in my teens were. Mohawks and spiky jackets kind of thing. I like a lot of the more well known stuff. I never got into what they listened to. I was more into ska and alternative myself.
How did a Mohawk become a punk thing? It belonged to the Native Americans
I love some punk.
I love most types of music.
Mainly listen to country , rock and heavy metal at moment.
I love country when they sing with a accent.
My favourite band might be type o negative then I also digg Danzig .
There is music I don’t like but I think I can enjoy most.
I also enjoy chill music like pink Floyd.
I love suicidal tendencies too.
I like fun punk or happy punk songs which don’t promote violence. I went through my anarchy years as a teenager. Don’t know, i remember the no future generation in the 80s.
I used to be a punk rock freak! I still enjoy old bands from my teen years
i saw offspring live back in 2008 it was a good time!
I adore punk rock, and still listen to it a ton. Starlet calls it my “angry grandpa music” and ages me about 10 years every time he says it.
In case you were wondering, he listens exclusively to orchestral soundtracks
I was never into punk.
Not crazy about the music.