I don’t know if it’s delusional thinking to be convinced your medication will not work? Anyone else experience this?
I was really worried that medication would change who I was. It took a very dear friend’s encouragement for me to feel comfortable with it
Can I ask if it worked for you?
Well. I tried Risperdal first, that had some nasty side effects. Then I tried Seroquel, which did nothing for my symptoms, but just made me fat and sleepy. Then I tried Abilify, which worked for a while but then stopped working. Now I’m trying to get up to a proper dose of Trilifon.
Unfortunately, medications are very hit or miss, and different people will respond differently to the same medications. Everyone’s brain chemistry is unique, so there’s a lot of trial and error before you can find one that works.
The same goes for antidepressants, I tried pretty much everything before I ended up on Prozac, which seems to be working without any side effects.
I was also convinced my medications were there to poison me. It took a couple months to get over that.
Oh, I was going to suggest making a thread where you can post all of your questions if you are going to post more? I know that you made like 15 threads asking questions so I was thinking this would save you time.
I am always hopeful about it but lately I’m worried it’s not working like it should but I’ve had a lot going on
when they gave me meds i wasn’t really busy with if it would work or not cause i was really absorbed in the things i experienced at that time. It’s only later in the psych ward that i started to think about it.
In all honesty - alot of your problems can be sorted by adjusting your social aspect on life and not relying solely on medication.
People used to keep me awake for years - cos family had pissed me off and others, and i used to think the magic bullet was in a pill to make me sleep.
Yeah sure - take em, if your psychotic - but they aint no cure all to make your life happier.
Too many people ive noticed have moaned on this site, and just wanna rely on the drugs dished out by the shrink - without wanting to put the hard work in adjusting their outlook on life.
There’s something called nocebo effect.
It’s the opposite of placebo. Essentially, if a person is convinced their meds won’t work, they are much less effective.
@Miika Wait what really?? Wack! The human mind is a strange and mysterious lump of meat and electricity
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