Has anybody here seen real people as a hallucination and interact with them? Because I don’t know if a had a real conversation with a person I meet or if it was a hallucination.
I have seen beings before but I never interacted
Maby it was a real person but I was realy psychotic at that time so i think it was fake.
I have twin schizophrenic friends, they’re treatment resistant, they talk to walls, destroy walls, talk to their hand etc They freeze a lot when you talk to them, they don’t respond. If meds are working for you then that’s good and no need to worry and think about bad moments.
Yes all the time
They fight with each other and rage often.
Seems like a hallucination. Not real.
I have had many.
Hallucinations are dreams forced to come alive by tension.
Damn but how do I know that my life is not a hallucination. It was very real? I still think the illuminati contacted me.
For me taking meds helped me, now I laugh at what I have done during psychosis.
I see random people
Weird i know
Yes meds help a lot. Thank you guys for the answers.
I once had seen a guy in colorful clothes, jogging in front of my house. The next second he vanished. It was crazy
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