Want to share my experience today

I was feeling really depressed in my room and then God started talking to me. And we had a whole nice conversation. And suddenly I just felt soothed, I felt so much more calm about everything. The whole time we talked I think maybe I could see him, he was a giant mass of light in my room, only it wasn’t a bright light, it was a gentle pink light. In the part of my room where he was manifesting the lights covered everything, I couldn’t even see the paneling on my ceiling anymore, everything was swallowed up by the lights. It was a peaceful experience.


I am happy for you and hope you get well. Not sure about this experience though =)

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but because of sz you can’t take it for real, you doubt it and call it product of your mind. a “healthy” devotee of god may think it’s a religious experience…

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I suspect that most religions were founded on brain chemistry. Bad rye making people trip on the bread they were eating. Sitting in front of a tree for 7 years.

All interactions on a neural level are chemical based. Drugs can do similar things. Schizophrenia can do similar things with changes in brain chemisty.

It’s nice to feel special experiences but you have to regard them with a grain of salt. It’s just a brain responding to differences in brain chemistry. It’s not magical it just is.


so everything in the world is about brain chemistry. zen Buddhism couldn’t agree more.
I was Bodhidharma in a past life and i was staring at a cave wall for 9 years.

Tends to match the facts! Even meditation will lead to some changes. Diet. Exercise. They all affect the brain. I believe it’s all a similar process whether your tripping balls on some LSD or your finding enlightenment in front of said tree.

yeah, all are mind…