Any religious experiences while turning schizophrenic or schizoaffective (trigger warning)

i remember i went to church one day and this prophet came to my church as he stepped in i “felt” him come in he felt like he had a heavy energy. i went up to him and i extended my hand to give him a hand shake and i realized he was blind . as he said his testimony i saw a white cloud on top of his head it was thick and i felt a wave that hit my body and felt good. He told my sister when she went up to him " i see a young man you almost lost him" this prophecy kind of scared me .probably didnt help my religious psychosis lol but he was right . btw this man got a miracle he was cured of aids and tuberculosis .

another instance when i was going psychotic my mom called some church people to pray for me and i started to “throw up demons” i never throw up for no reason so i found it odd that i wanted to throw up spontaneously.

another time when i was in church i felt like this weird feeling after someone turned on a fan it hit me and i felt like my soul was leaving my body. they say its normal to feel that when you have demons

Religious topics are not allowed here. They are triggering.

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oops i didnt know thought it was only like talking about god

I had a bunch of religious experiences when I was psychotic. At one point I thought God was telling me to become a priest. Before that I wasn’t religious at all.

After my psychosis ended all these thoughts and feelings went away. Sometimes I miss it a little. It made me feel like I had a purpose.

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Pretty sure it’s stud like this too. Some members have had really bad experiences. I could be wrong.

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i feel you now i feel like i dont have a purpose

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God never “told” to be a missionary. It was something I wanted to do in my heart.


Before my illness I was this person who spoke out on behalf of people who couldn’t speak for themselves. I was very passionate about it

I bought my Xmas gifts from charity organizations (hand crafted or free trade). But that’s not me anymore

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I’ve "thrown up demons " before. That ■■■■ doesn’t work. Many sz/SzA probably have.

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I wonder when this thread will be locked…I believe in the spirit world but not demons.

Yeah this thread will definitely be locked. I know ninjastar is Syrian but she lives in the US. Wonder what time zone?

We don’t allow religious discussions on this site. This for a couple of reasons. First, it tends to cause arguments, because for some reason people can’t seem to just respect each other’s different religious beliefs. Second, many folks suffer from religious delusions. It is one of the top three topics of delusion, alongside aliens and government conspiracies. We don’t allow discussions on those topics, either. Third, there are many members here who were subjected to exorcisms by family members who, sadly, did not understand their illness. Those memories can be very traumatic for those individuals, and they don’t need to be reminded of them.

I hope you can understand, and help keep this a safe place for everyone. Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

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